Example sentences of "a good deal of [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Bar is a leader in the field of video conferencing applications within the courts and the legal profession and its endeavours have brought us a good deal of favourable publicity .
2 A philadelphia intellectual , Benjamin Franklin , back in his native land after a prolonged and enjoyable period in England , put down a statement of the need for political union which the conference accepted , but the colonial assemblies then rejected this plan for common defence , probably because it would have involved a good deal of extra spending .
3 The final client , the development officer said , needed a good deal of extra support but was a very adamant refuser of help , and frequently refused to let people into her house .
4 A good deal of real embarrassment can be caused by simply giving an expensive item to a journalist who knew she would not be able to write about a product in any depth but expressed a wish to buy it .
5 The expertise required by a provider of financial services comes from training in various disciplines such as law , economics , business management , and accountancy , coupled with a good deal of worldly wisdom , common sense and awareness of market forces .
6 In the Preface to The Failure of Theory , he observes , ‘ To judge by a good deal of recent writing , the following resolutions would attract majority support at a conference of devotees of literary theory . ’
7 For example , there has been a good deal of solid research on the changing nature of the mining industries in the Third World , once entirely and now less entirely dominated by First World TNCs .
8 Cost the party three hundred quid and a good deal of vile publicity to come , no doubt .
9 A good deal of essential work has been carried out .
10 From the point of view of young people with special needs , many of the new courses have the virtue of being flexible , student-centred , and of incorporating a good deal of individual programming .
11 Pupils have a good deal of two-dimensional material presented to them , on the television screen , in software programs run on visual display units , in books and illustrations .
12 There was a good deal of continued muttering , but no real alternative Conservative leader available .
13 There had been a moment in his career , as he declared in the interesting preface he wrote to Josef Pieper 's Leisure the Basis of Culture and as Brand Blanshard has retailed in the Eliot Anniversary Issue of The Southern Review ( 1985 ) , ( ‘ Eliot at Oxford ’ ) , when , after a good deal of philosophical study , lie had decided to renounce the subject as such .
14 A good deal of philosophical writing about what is called intentionality suggests that it is likely that this line of objection , that objects or contents are sometimes missing , has another wholly different root , in a certain confusion .
15 The wives of prosperous burgesses also had a good deal of managerial responsibility and authority .
16 Martin Randall believes in allowing his clients off the leash for a good deal of unorganised time , which enabled me to enjoy my favourite occupation : finding my own way around a new city .
17 There has in fact been a good deal of legal commentary in recent months as to the effectiveness of warranties , but it would be advisable for a tenant to take up warranties ( in a standard and acceptable form ) if they are available .
18 Since this is an assumption taken for granted by a good deal of modern criticism , we should consider some of the objections that can be made against the New Critics ' arguments in its favour .
19 Still , there was a good deal of stealthy coming and going within the building — this being ignored apparently by the men on duty in the guardchamber .
20 The causes of the development of trade unionism within the public sector have been the subject of a good deal of political debate and social science theorizing .
21 The government 's answer had been to increase the responsibilities and accountability of management and put a good deal of political energy into the efficiency strategy .
22 After a good deal of broad mockery of the group 's thespian pretensions , there follows yet another change of tack as the troupe 's hitherto self-absorbed leader , Genesius ( Louis Hilyer ) , converts to Christianity and is martyred for denouncing the oppressive regime .
23 His educational opportunities had been considerable and he had seen a good deal of Russian government from the inside .
24 Khorramshahr , grimly dubbed Khuninshahr ( city of blood ) by some Iranians , was the subject of a good deal of contradictory reporting before it eventually fell late in October .
25 A central feature of the government 's binary policy and the concept of a ‘ public sector ’ was the decision to concentrate a good deal of advanced work in a new generation of ‘ polytechnics ’ — a title borrowed from an earlier response to technological and economic demand — the generation of polytechnics created in London in the last two decades of the nineteenth century .
26 As to the future , a good deal of personal injury litigation will disappear if State insurance is introduced as proposed by the Pearson Commission .
27 Tranmere wasted a good deal of splendid midfield work in the first half with long-range speculative shots into the stand .
28 The case of Nigeria has attracted a good deal of scholarly attention in this respect and is worth looking at more closely .
29 As long ago as 1172 Henry II had promised to mount a crusade and ever since then he had done nothing about it — though he had given a good deal of financial aid to the stricken kingdom .
30 Koons ' sculpture from this period — of vacuum cleaners encased in plexiglass , basketballs floating in aquariums , and a stainless-steel bunny — garnered a good deal of critical acclaim and important fans , among them the art dealer Mary Boone .
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