Example sentences of "a good deal of [noun sg] about " in BNC.

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1 The problems noted above are intensified for the management of stock revision programmes ; these are carried out by staff who are either subject specialists or who have in the course of the stock revision acquired a good deal of knowledge about the subject literature — certainly more than the line manager .
2 However , there is a good deal of disagreement about how they come about .
3 The introduction of fundholding in April 1991 was accompanied by a good deal of speculation about its impact on general practice .
4 Less is known however about the impact of second homes on the local environment , and although there has been a good deal of speculation about their impacts , as shown in Table 7.5 , there are few hard or agreed empirical data to back this up .
5 There is sometimes a good deal of worry about these variations , as about the extent of bodily growth at this time .
6 Now um I suppose in that context um one of the things that makes this perhaps rather difficult to understand is the way in which y'know kind of when you look at children playing , when you talk to children , they 'll often express a good deal of curiosity about sexuality um both to each-other and to adults .
7 ‘ Preoccupation with keeping afloat in a cruel environment produced an indifference to questions about the meaning of the world and a good deal of scepticism about most schemes for changing it . ’
8 There is , surprisingly , still a good deal of uncertainty about whether animals — and if so , which animals — can solve problems of this kind .
9 Consequently there is a good deal of uncertainty about whether the newcomers to the countryside have wrought a deterioration or a revitalization of the village community .
10 Erm , I 'm not in a position to add anything very much to the article for next year , I spent most of Friday afternoon with the Tech last week , erm , but there 's still obviously a good deal of uncertainty about programmes for next year , erm , what I think has been very positive is that we have now er , this year for the first time since the Tech 's formation , they 've started to discuss some of the issues about the programmes with a group of providers .
11 They appear well in advance of publication , and usually contain a good deal of information about individual titles — though here again the information is put together by the producers , who are naturally keen to sell their product .
12 As XPS is useful for the study of surfaces it can give a good deal of information about species adsorbed on catalysts .
13 Evidence for political affairs comes in a variety of genres : some apparently unlikely sources — theological treatises , for instance , or accounts of the translations ( that is , the carryings to new locations ) of saints ' relics , and collections of miracle-stories — turn out to hold a good deal of information about ( and reactions to ) war and politics .
14 The project document continues with a good deal of detail about the erosion works , areas to be covered by different treatments , and the expected benefits .
15 There are a number of different kinds of bomb , some of them known by a variety of colourful synonyms , but in many cases , there is a good deal of argument about exactly how they acquire their shape .
16 It is generally known , of course , that standard English enshrines sporadic residues of approximations between these vowels , for example in doublets of the type strop/strap , catch/ketch , but there has been a good deal of dispute about EModE evidence for overlap and merger in this part of the vowel-system .
17 There was a good deal of talk about that … no , I do n't think there really was much talk .
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