Example sentences of "a lot of [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 There were a lot of lorries at the side of the road .
2 They learned a lot of things at the twisted knee of William 's grandad , and one of them was misogyny .
3 It is worth distinguishing between the management power structure and the general production structure , because what we have got increasingly are quite a lot of women at the professional level , working in individual production teams , as producers and directors of individual series or individual programmes .
4 There are a lot of players at the moment who ca n't make the step from club to international rugby ’ .
5 In fact , he made the initial call for me , as he has a lot of contacts at the station because of his job . ’
6 Marie , 25 , from Telford in Shropshire has a lot of problems at the moment , and needs a good friend .
7 There 's gon na be a lot of changes at the end of this century , the beginning of next century in Europe and if we 're not with them then we 're gon na be left behind .
8 There were a lot of guards at the gate , and some more guards marched past the building .
9 There were a lot of cars at the farm but nobody around .
10 A lot of cars at the school this morning .
11 You er , ma , it balances out the er , benefits from like the whole of the term and it 's not necessarily , like a with profits system , you get a lot of bonuses at the very end .
12 So I started tracing back the roots , like a lot of kids at the time .
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