Example sentences of "a [adj] deal of [adj] information " in BNC.

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1 Such an argument misses the point that nuclear reactors bring with them a great deal of technical information , and experience .
2 They require a great deal of digital information to describe them .
3 Early works ( Darling , 1947 & Darling & Boyd , 1964 ) were of a general nature , but contained a great deal of botanical information from the Outer Hebrides .
4 Once the research had established the physics of these losses — and provided a great deal of general information or the physics of plasmas — Culham returned to the development of toroidal systems .
5 In historical writing you may need a great deal of factual information to support your argument or opinion .
6 In a sense this tendency was enhanced by the nature of the LEA guidelines , which requested a great deal of factual information in addition to an appraisal , and the advisers themselves who in some cases presented the purpose of the self-appraisal in terms of explaining their practices rather than appraising them .
7 A series of three reports on sand dune machair ( Ranwell , 1974 , 1977 & 1980 ) contain a great deal of additional information on this particular botanical habitat .
8 Well so far we 've just been looking at the record of growth bands in this coral skeleton , but we can acquire a great deal of additional information by sampling the skeleton , and we sample the skeleton using a small drill and we can analyze the , the powders that we collect for the stabilized of oxygen .
9 This information was used to construct highly selective word-lists , capable of yielding a great deal of specific information about phonological structure ( see for example table 6.2 ) ; it was also helpful in determining the lexical input to variables ( see 6.7 ) .
10 Mr Johnson 's very detailed text gives a great deal of scholarly information on cultural and language groupings ; main campaigns ; methods of warfare ; life and culture ; technology , dress and art .
11 A great deal of useful information was assembled .
12 A great deal of useful information on the problems of both Yoruba medium and English subject teaching has been gained and a critical analysis of currently recommended English teaching material is still in progress .
13 If so , he will advise you what to do , but you may also find it helpful to obtain a copy of a booklet entitled Caring for the widow and her family , published by CRUSE ( The National Organisation for Widows and their Children , Cruse House , 126 Sheen Road , Richmond , Surrey TW9 1UR ) , which gives a great deal of useful information on all these subjects and many others connected with widowhood .
14 This book shows how evaluation of learners , course design , curricula , methodology , and materials , can provide teachers and other ELT professionals with a great deal of useful information .
15 As he himself said , it would be pointless to study such peoples with a questionnaire , since they do not write , and , while he certainly gained a great deal of essential information from conversation and discussion , it would have been quite futile to try to conduct any kind of interview until he had gained their trust and confidence , and until he had some idea of what kinds of questions he should be asking .
16 Now those of us who 've been involved on the Moat Highfields sub committee will have a need to know that when we were faced with really serious and horrendous problems , we found when faced with the reality and a great deal of detailed information , that an extraordinary amount of three party cooperation was achieved .
17 A couple of months earlier , Buhler had been introduced to Coleman by Marshall Lee Miller in Washington , and since then had been urging Shaughnessy to talk to Coleman because he had ‘ a great deal of interesting information concerning the crash of Flight 103 ’ .
18 BSL therefore provides a great deal of aspectual information directly for the receiver , while English sets out the same story in a different way , allowing alteration of event structure without destroying meaning .
19 The major disadvantage with audio recorders is that a great deal of contextual information is not recorded and therefore , unless some other method of recording the context , such as note-taking , is employed , it may not be possible to recover a ‘ rich interpretation ’ of the child 's language .
20 As they returned from these reconnaissances with a good deal of useful information , authority was pleased .
21 The class teacher will also gain a good deal of useful information by observing how the visually handicapped pupils handle and attempt to use visual material .
22 It was true that Miss Devenish let slip a good deal of fragmentary information about Tolby .
23 ‘ I have no axe to grind and it may be that the scheme would pose no hazard , in which case I would be happy to say so publicly , ’ he said , ‘ But if I learn that the route would expose local populations to field strengths greater than two milliGauss I will say it is potentially hazardous and will support my statement with a good deal of scientific information . ’
24 But despite their limitations , circulation measures can provide librarians with a good deal of valuable information for the assessment of stock and user needs , and the promoters of automated circulation systems have been quick to point out the facilities such systems offer for a closer analysis of detail .
25 Nonetheless a good deal of basic information can still be portrayed with the traditional concept of population density based on administrative units .
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