Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [prep] control over " in BNC.

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1 The Orbital 's two-phase ( air blast ) direct injection fuelling system , which adds a finely atomised fuel charge to the cylinder only after the exhaust port has been covered , eliminates the economy and emissions problems of old while providing a high degree of control over charge stratification .
2 This has the advantage of establishing a high degree of control over the target utterance and , if the child is co-operating , it is possible to make a direct comparison between the utterance the child was attempting to produce and what the child actually said .
3 At one extreme lie true experimental procedures , which demand a high degree of control over possible confounding factors .
4 Thus we require participatory democracy to give the individual a real measure of control over the life and structure of his/her environment .
5 Yet the tsar replaced Putiatin with Golovnin , appointed a commission which " conducted the most extensive investigation into the idea of a Russian university ever undertaken by the old regime " , took advice even from the liberal Professor Kavelin , and introduced a law which improved the funding of universities , gave professors a large degree of control over university affairs , maintained the principle that universities were open to all classes of the community , and allowed universities to go on dedicating themselves , first and foremost , to the study of the liberal arts .
6 Even when industries were not state owned there were various other instruments by which government actually exercised a large measure of control over the private sector .
7 Their agreement was the first based on profit-sharing as well as retention of copyright , which gave him a large measure of control over publication and future working of the copyrights .
8 And the Western experience of sex , he argues , is not the inhibition of discourse , is not describable as a regime of silence , but is rather a constant , and historically changing , deployment of discourses on sex , and this ever-expanding discursive explosion is part of a complex growth of control over individuals through the apparatus of sexuality .
9 Starvation confers a spurious sense of control over impending bodily changes , while the ‘ pathogenic secret ’ is often related to sexual or physical misuse , which resulted in the intense sense of shame that the patient attempts to assuage by losing weight .
10 It is therefore clear that as a result of the statutory machinery an individual can have a substantial measure of control over his own working life compulsorily delegated to an agent , a trade union , which he has not selected and may even have his own contract of service varied without his consent .
11 The programmers in the company initially had a good deal of control over the computer installation , which provoked management to cut down their influence .
12 From the Carlowitz peace negotiations with the Habsburgs in 1699 , successive grand viziers began to leave him a good deal of control over foreign affairs , though he again was also entrusted with a wide variety of other and quite different functions .
13 It is generally believed today that hyperinflations can be avoided by the maintenance of a reasonable degree of control over the supply of money .
14 One way of avoiding most of the problems associated with legislative guide-lines , while still ensuring a reasonable degree of control over the way sentencers exercise their discretion , would be to hand over the task of preparing the guide-lines to an independent sentencing commission or council , of the kind proposed by Ashworth ( 1993a : 447 , 1997 : 91 ) .
15 Using the Light Rifle about 10′ from a 22″ television set gave a reasonable degree of control over the game .
16 Barbuda , the smaller of the country 's two inhabited constituent islands , maintains a considerable degree of control over its internal affairs .
17 Barbuda maintains a considerable degree of control over its internal affairs .
18 Interestingly , the date of the building is roughly contemporary with the Combe Down inscription , coinciding with a considerable tightening of control over imperial estates under the emperor Severus , when the liberality which had been introduced first by Hadrian and later by Pertinax was largely cancelled .
19 Taking up the issue of the social basis of the so-called new class , Giddens points out that there is a fundamental difference between control over collective property and rights of disposal enjoyed by owners of private property in capitalist society .
20 It will provide a single point of control over Novell networks , enabling users to maintain integrated system management security across host systems and the NetWare network computing environments , CA claims .
21 Schools have always had a fair amount of control over their resources — making decisions about accommodation , capitation and so on — and their decisions have normally been used in accordance with the identified needs of the institution , whether explicitly identified or not .
22 She has a fair amount of control over her work ; ‘ being one 's own boss ’ was a phrase used by over half the sample .
23 This is undoubtedly the main reason why the last twenty years have seen a steady increase in controls over the mass media , either by government takeover or by censorship and suppression .
24 The conservation area legislation also gives local planners a stronger degree of control over shopfronts than any other part of the building or type of building .
25 The merger , creating an organisation with sales of more than £600million a year , ends a 20-year battle for control over Remy , the third largest cognac firm and the supplier of Krug champagne .
26 The broader ranks of managerial and professional employees have a degree of autonomy in their work , a degree of decision-making responsibility , and a certain amount of control over others .
27 What this means , of course , is that the user gives up a certain amount of control over the layout and the actual construction of the document .
28 A final source of control over field staff stems from the supervisor 's dependence upon the officer as gatekeeper — as supplier of reports and opinions .
29 Both family and part-time farmers felt that with the farm they had a greater degree of control over their future .
30 LDCs ' governments also insisted on domestically-generated funds being used to finance economic development programmes and thus sought a greater degree of control over the operations of British banks .
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