Example sentences of "a [noun] of [adv] 10 per " in BNC.

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1 The new company , which will be called Chiron , will have 1500 employees , although a reduction of about 10 per cent of the workforce is expected early in 1992 .
2 But the family sizes of women married in 1945 and in 1954 after 10 years ' marriage were 1.79 and 1.96 children respectively — a difference of only 10 per cent .
3 It 's a far cry from the plight of the 1988 borrower , who took out a loan at a rate of under 10 per cent .
4 John Perry , chief executive of Unisys UK , added that the British subsidiary made a profit of around 10 per cent , in spite of the adverse economic climate .
5 In this case , if the artist receives a 12 per cent royalty , and the producer requires a 2 per cent royalty on record sales , the artist is left with a royalty of only 10 per cent split between the members of the band .
6 Experiments to test QCD give results with an error of about 10 per cent .
7 The prototype reproduces readings with an accuracy of about 10 per cent — on par with most petrol gauges .
8 As compared with regional showings in the GDR general election on March 13 , 1990 [ see pp. 37300-03 ] , the CDU share of the vote overall went up , due to an increase of over 10 per cent in support in Saxony ( where support for the DSU , however , dropped by a corresponding amount ) .
9 Drink sales averaged £180,000 per unit , showing an increase of approximately 10 per cent over the period .
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