Example sentences of "and they certainly do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The ones you can get for lunch — there are plenty — will likely forget every word you tell them , and they certainly do n't feel obliged to help . ’
2 The British murmur ‘ You must come and stay with us some time , ’ and when they part they say ‘ Let's keep in touch ’ and they certainly do n't mean it , but it greases the wheels of intercourse .
3 You need to find your own level with the person , and they certainly do n't need your comment on every single thing that they do .
4 They do n't really care enough about industry , and they certainly do n't understand that our timescales are quite different from theirs .
5 And they certainly do n't have a low opinion of him either ! ’
6 languages are differently equipped to express different real-world relations , and they certainly do not express all aspects of meaning with equal ease .
7 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
8 They do not panic when they do not understand every word , and they certainly do not think there is a fault in their own language knowledge .
9 Our four English mystics may lack the imaginative and mythical depths of the great Kabbalists and Sufis , they may not be as daring and extreme as Eckhart and they certainly do not have the lyrical passion of the sixteenth century Spanish mystics St Teresa of Avila ( 1515–82 ) and St John of the Cross ( 1542–91 ) , but they bear witness to the profundity and intelligence of the new English spirituality of their day .
10 As I mentioned before , vitamins are chemically very unstable and they certainly do not take well to this sort of treatment .
11 In other words , Indian parents who could afford amniocentesis , the rich ones , wanted sons and they certainly did n't want daughters , because they aborted ninety five point five percent of the daughters but none of the sons , even when the sons were genetically defective .
12 I was in a cinema on whichever evening , Saturday evening , and they certainly did n't have that .
13 I do not think those were happy times in Emerson 's marriage and they certainly did not enhance his general image in the sport .
14 But the lords of rail , mine and steel-mill can not really have expected to look paternally over their workers ' shoulders at all times , and they certainly did not do so .
15 ‘ Television rarely showed human casualties , and although over 200,000 Iraqi soldiers and civilians died , these statistics gained very little mention in the press , and they certainly did not penetrate the conscience of the rest of the world .
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