Example sentences of "and i [verb] [adv] see [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And I do n't see what harm there is in buying a place for my daughter .
2 If anything should happen to us personally , and I do n't see what can happen , you are , in your spare time , so to speak , accustomed to commanding a battle fleet .
3 They say that hunting 's for er er human pleasure , er , I mean personally I 've only been to one hunt , and I do n't see what all the the , the , the , the trouble 's about because the huntsman is only a spectator , it 's the hounds that are hunting the fox and it is to keep the foxes down .
4 And I do n't see what that has to do with the problem in hand . ’
5 They all just go past me with their baked beans and their fish fingers and washing powder and chocolate biscuits , and my fingers punch the right figures on the till and I do n't see them at all .
6 Now , for a long time , because my children have grown up , and I do n't see them being , being young men , when the young men get married , you , mothers do n't see them , so I 'm on my own , and it 's , erm , I ca n't rely on that for company at all .
7 The PA wo n't pay that amount and I do n't see we can do it without .
8 It 's obvious the Chief Fire Officer will be in charge of the fire service , and I do n't see there 's any problem between the two .
9 We have n't beaten the Aussies at Lord 's since 1933 and I do n't see us winning now .
10 Mansell said : ‘ At this moment , nothing has changed and I do n't see it changing .
11 I did n't , in fact , comment on this letter and I do n't see it as my job to stand in judgement or to moralise — though I 'll fervently agree it 's sad that a young girl takes such an apparently casual view of life : her own and her unborn baby 's .
12 Kenyon is pugnacious about the challenges : ‘ I think the Radio 3 audience is always going to be a minority and I do n't see anything wrong in that .
13 And I do n't see anything contentious about that .
14 First Mrs Agnes McGuinness : ‘ My husband went out on the Saturday and I did n't see him again until the Sunday morning .
15 ‘ No , he was in his room and I did n't see him .
16 I mean , I did get work at his mill in the summer of ‘ forty I 'd been on t'dole for four years , since I left school — but he went into the RAF not long after , and I did n't see him again till late ‘ forty-six .
17 And I did n't see him come out . ’
18 about it and I did n't see her for weekend she gave me her phone number , Saturday morning I gave her a bell , said I would be walking the dog if you want to join me
19 er right erm tt yep that seems to be okay I did n't erm no I was reading this on , this morning just after the clinical lecture and I did n't see anything that , that I thought would be problematic erm you know given , you know , sort of what I 've seen in your coursework so far you seem to have got a fairly good idea of what you can ask and what you can get away with and what sorts of things you think are useful and , and , and stuff like that so erm you know I 'm entirely happy with your judgment as to the content erm you know because it 's part of an ongoing pr project and it 's not just something that you 've , you 've knocked off in half an hour or anything so erm
20 And I did n't see it cos he put
21 We were both crossing the road from the public house and erm had the wife by my side and I did n't see it
22 I 'm sure you 're inside by now and I did n't see you , so it must have been over the gardens to the back door .
23 And I did n't see you , ’ she said pointedly .
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