Example sentences of "and hand [pron] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rebecque brought the orders himself and handed them up to Sharpe who was already mounted .
2 Talbot looked at them and handed them over to Hawkins .
3 The manager chased Cowen , who is arthritic , and handed him over to police .
4 He pulled a sheet from one of the beds , spread it on the floor , opened up wardrobes and drawers , scooped up armfuls of clothes — there was no time to make any kind of selection and even if there had been he would have been unable to pick and choose , they were all women 's clothing — dumped them on the sheet , tied up the four corners , lugged the bundle up the companionway and handed it over to Riley .
5 ( Critics of the Keynesian approach often pointed an accusatory finger at this assumption , claiming that it removed wage theory from the hands of economists and handed it over to sociologists .
6 On an impulse he returned to the bar , took off his own hat , the one he had bought on Maidstone 's advice , and handed it over to Franco for safe keeping .
7 So I wrote a piece about slugs and handed it in to Brown .
8 A postman on his morning delivery round found the empty bag on a footpath alongside the railway line between Arbour Lane and Stump Lane and handed it in to police .
9 She leapt down , carefully shook the sand off it and handed it back to Simon as he and Ben ran across the last few yards towards her .
10 She re-read the definition , then closed the book and handed it back to Molly who smiled .
11 The building societies are also under pressure to spend more money buying up empty properties and handing them over for rental .
12 All I had to do was to train chicks on either methylanthranilate or water and hand them over to Roger , who would disappear into the neurophysiology lab with them and emerge many hours later with reams of paper which he would begin to analyse .
13 Dealers at one licensed dealer would occasionally write ad hoc sales pitches , photocopy them , and hand them round to colleagues .
14 The best programs allow the teacher to gain basic skills in using them and to hand them over to pupils after a short introduction .
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