Example sentences of "and [pron] is [adv] likely [that] " in BNC.

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1 These two buildings were , therefore , clearly under military control , and it is most likely that they represented a collection centre for the annona militaris , a tax thought to have been introduced by Severus .
2 Moreover , it seems very likely that Anselm was referring to the search for relics conducted in secret by Osbern and Eadmer ; and it is also likely that Anselm had heard of the search from Eadmer himself .
3 Hawksmoor , who had already had a great deal of experience as an architect , was brought in as clerk of works and it is quite likely that the design was by both men .
4 Even less is known about the usefulness of books which are located and borrowed , and it is quite likely that many of the titles thought to have answered a subject enquiry are not in fact found by the reader to be very useful at all .
5 Add to all this the price of a well deserved holiday from it all at the end of your final term , and it is quite likely that you could be stretching your finances to the limit .
6 Certainly , speakers are free to select from a wide range of surface forms in order to achieve a particular communicative purpose , and it is quite likely that they will do so to attain appropriate levels of politeness , solidarity or social distance .
7 Constructing a stable representation of the environment from this ever-changing view is the function of spatial learning and it is therefore likely that the inclusion of objects into an animal 's representation of allocentric space will depend on their geometric stability .
8 Many codecs already developed are designed to be upgradeable when such standards become widely accepted and it is therefore likely that within a few years dial-up videoconferencing will be possible between a wide range of different proprietary systems .
9 In the healthy and intact gastrointestinal tract , it is unlikely that substantial amounts of unabsorbed nutrients ever reach the colon in humans , and it is therefore likely that some other mechanism exists for the release of hormonal peptides from this region .
10 The therapist will otherwise receive a one-sided and often unavoidably distorted view of the relationship , and it is less likely that worthwhile change will be achieved .
11 Working-class children in general were less likely to first learn about sex from parents , and it is less likely that they have positive relationships with their teachers .
12 The knights were never more than one arm of any fighting force ; and it is hardly likely that any force of knights was ever recruited entirely by ‘ feudal ’ means .
13 Over recent years imports and exports have been vested with great political and cultural-ideological significance , and it is very likely that increasing numbers of consumers now register the country of origin of what they are buying , and producers now register the destination of what they are producing , and this knowledge may affect their actions .
14 Although the itching may be due to the movement of the louse over the skin , it only moves a maximum of six inches per day , and it is more likely that an allergic reaction is set up to the lice themselves or to their faeces .
15 Go on any Earth Mysteries trip to an ancient site and it is highly likely that you will see at least one person walking holding wire rods or holding a weight on the end of a piece of string .
16 A survey will be carried out of sewage disposal systems and it is highly likely that major expenditure will be necessary .
17 They are the people who can refer clients on to solicitors and it is highly likely that the ‘ Advisory Liaison Service ’ and the proposed liaison officers could have played a significant part in making and fostering those contacts .
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