Example sentences of "and [prep] whom it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Everything depends upon the situation in which talk and theorizing takes place , and between whom it is created , and what it is about .
2 There can be no doubt that much time and skill would have been required to produce such an ornate and complex piece of metalwork ; the investment required was no doubt matched by the importance of the person for whom it was made and with whom it was buried with coins dated AD 622–629 at Sutton Hoo ( Brown 1981b ) .
3 This would appear to reflect the fact that what was learned , and from whom it was learned , was considerably more important than where it was learned .
4 ECT is likely to be indicated in severely depressed patients who show biological features of depression , especially if delusions or retardation are present ( Brandon et al. 1984 ) , and in whom it is felt that delay in relieving symptoms is unjustified .
5 17.17 An essential aspect of development in the secondary stages is that pupils should increasingly make their own decisions about their writing — what it is about , what form it should take and to whom it is addressed .
6 An essential element in our proposals for the secondary school is that pupils should increasingly make their own decisions about their writing : what it is about , what form it should take , and to whom it is addressed .
7 Frederick had to flee and the Palatinate was over-run by Spanish armies and the forces of the Catholic League headed by Maximilian I of Bavaria who coveted the Electoral dignity and to whom it was awarded in 1623 .
8 The Problem Management Procedure will vary according to the stage of development at which the problem is identified and by whom it is identified .
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