Example sentences of "and [adj] be likely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 So let's have a look down her throat , and that 's likely to be the source of the problem .
2 And that 's likely to be stretched to the limit .
3 Though a few interesting buildings have given way to typically undistinguished modern blocks , the architecture of Princes Street was never outstanding and little is likely to be lost , though little gained by the innovations .
4 The printed form N 117 is usually used , and some are likely to be on the judges " table " .
5 But there are other reasons for farmers switching to autumn cereals than a desire to curb nitrate pollution , and this is likely to be the limit of what the ‘ voluntary approach ’ can achieve .
6 The possibility of attracting outside investment only really exists for a corporate entity and this is likely to be a further reason for surveyors ' considering various comparisons between the partnership and corporate structure for the running of their businesses .
7 The maximum flush permitted on new wcs in the UK was reduced from 9 litres to 7.5 litres from 1989 , and this is likely to be further reduced to 6 litres .
8 Convex is developing a Scalable Coherent Interface high-speed bus to link processors in a future generation of its machines , and this is likely to be used to link the workstations to the C-series machines in the cluster .
9 The Government has yet to appoint its three Committee members , and this is likely to be a long business , since confusion still reigns following the April elections .
10 In most peasant communities agricultural operations are of considerable communal significance , and this is likely to be particularly true of wet-rice agriculture where irrigation is the key to survival .
11 The same memorandum shows that these measures , costing £3,670 , absorbed all Edward IV 's cash reserves , and this is likely to be the origin of Mancini 's story of the Woodvilles ' raid on the king 's treasury .
12 Assuming , on facts such as those in Bartlett , that the directors have sufficiently researched a project , it is not evident how a court could determine whether the expected profits justify the risks involved , and this is likely to be the case with respect to much business decision making .
13 The RNA polymerase has been shown to bend and untwist the DNA upon promoter recognition at several promoters ( 34–36 ) , and this is likely to be a general phenomenon required for the formation of transcription complexes .
14 The same memorandum shows that these measures , costing £3,670 , absorbed all Edward IV 's cash reserves , and this is likely to be the origin of Mancini 's story of the Woodvilles ' raid on the king 's treasury .
15 Weathering rates and the intensity of leaching depend critically on the total throughput of water and this is likely to be far higher on a steep , well-drained slope than in flat terrain with poor drainage .
16 The detection of insider dealing has increased ( although the conviction rate is still poor ) , and this is likely to be a reflection of better channels of detection rather than any upsurge in the problem as previously it was not a criminal offence ( and in some circles was regarded as a perk of the job ) .
17 The region of similarity between DP-1 and E2F-1 is likely to be an important part of their DNA-binding domains , but we can not distinguish whether it is involved in recognizing the E2F sequence per se or if it provides a dimerization domain which then allows sequence-specific recognition .
18 Petrie has shown that in moorhens the male 's fat reserves are important , and these are likely to be higher in small males .
19 Those that can get jobs will leave , and these are likely to be the staff that the organisation wants to keep most .
20 According to the functionalist , of course , facial expression and lip-reading are likely to be dealt with by distinct parts of the information-processing system because the nature of the information that they convey is so different .
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