Example sentences of "and [verb] the sort of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In 1985 , Cressida Dick , a probationary constable , wrote a prize-winning essay which clearly showed an awareness of this politicization , and asked the sort of questions which few senior officers seemed to be thinking or voicing .
2 We want to make the most of our membership , and create the sort of institutions and rules which we believe are in our best interests .
3 In fact she 'd had a brief nap on the flight over and the adrenalin was racing round her body , making the possibility of sleep unlikely , but anything was better than sitting like a frightened child beside him , hoping against hope that he would finally melt and utter the sort of words she had once yearned to hear .
4 Making them is hard , and requires the sort of efforts only rich countries or desperate ones will undertake .
5 In recounting his hero 's feats of ratiocination ( a word he invented ) he had an anonymous , somewhat credulous , narrator following him everywhere and asking the sort of questions the reasonably intelligent reader might want to ask ; the original Watson .
6 And I warn you , if any of my designs or anything like them turn up in the showroom at the House of Oliver I shall sue — and win the sort of damages that will put your little friend out of business for good .
7 The aim of the business leader must be to be the best , for only the best command their own destiny and achieve the sort of rewards that are sought for themselves and their people .
8 You can do the same for children and see the sort of things they pounce on ( ohh , I do like that ) .
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