Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] until [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Etched into Kinder Scout 's northern flanks , the clough provides pleasant rock-hopping as it twists and turns upwards until you enter a fine , hidden amphitheatre which gives good scrambling up rocky steps .
2 We returned to the car and drove on until we came to a small wooden bridge spanning a rivulet of water coming from a waterfall not far up the hillside behind .
3 So we set to under our section corporal , Jimmy Brough , and slogged away until we had completed ten such excavations , wondering where the tents were that were to fill them .
4 ‘ He would sit and look around until he had an audience — then he 'd start . ’
5 It is essential that all parties remain in those negotiations and negotiate seriously until we have a satisfactory agreement and the end of this bitter and nasty conflict . ’
6 … imagine a fairy chain stretched from mountain peak to mountain peak , as far as the eye could reach , and paid out until it touched the ‘ high places ’ of the earth at a number of ridges , banks , and knowls .
7 Fifty or so of the females formed a tight cluster , joined hands and walked backwards until they formed the circumference of a large circle .
8 Miller had been forced to transplant some of these just as they were coming into flower , but by cutting off all the buds , placing them in a wet trench and watering continuously until they became established , he was able , in August and September to pick flowers ‘ as fair as those produced in June ’ .
9 Dorcas slipped into the familiar gloom under the floor and padded along until he found the switch .
10 One person is ‘ it ’ — possibly the birthday girl — and swims around until she touches one of the other children .
11 For centuries the traveller who wanted to cross a sea or an ocean went to the nearest port and hung about until he found a ship going in his direction .
12 Apricot waited until her exams were over and then went down to the Catholic church and hung about until she met Bernard coming out of confession .
13 I talked utter rubbish for hours , and on the few occasions that I faltered Lorne would break in and take over until I had recovered my strength .
14 Now I 'm going to talk to you later , meantime you go down to Level Five and stay there until you 've come up with a plan to infiltrate Finland .
15 She wanted to curl up in a small ball somewhere quiet , dark and safe , and stay there until she felt capable of facing the world again .
16 Because it 's very , I mean you know mathematicians have written books about this , erm and yeah kids of five or six are quite happily adding and taking away until they get to negative numbers , until someone says ah I 'm going to add to that money you 've got there , I 'm gon na add minus seven .
17 ‘ Begin at the beginning , ’ said the King , ‘ and go on until you get to the end , then stop . ’
18 In your mind you may have to start from the beginning of the paradigm and go down until you arrive at the form you need at the moment .
19 If you do not get a satisfactory answer ask and ask again until you do .
20 If you do not get a satisfactory answer ask and ask again until you do .
21 Like a forest fire , it started from the individual and grew outwards until it enveloped the whole area of monastic patrons and friends and dependants .
22 At that instant control called to announce that there was an Air Raid warning and put out all the lights , followed immediately by bombs exploding on the airfield , I knew the airfield well and I stuck to my heading and switched on my landing light just to " feel " the ground , landed and rolled along until I felt a sharp jerk and a bash or two then a complete halt .
23 During a violent storm it broke away and drifted westwards until it hit land on the barren headland of San Quentin .
24 It too rose , and pinching hard until she gave a moan , he kissed her , until she opened her lips to his , when he snapped shut and bit her lip ; her eyes flew open , he looked at her and smiled , raising his eyebrows .
25 Back in prehistoric times , the river which we now call the Thames was created by rains falling on hilly ground on the western side of this country , and meandering lazily until it found its way into the sea on the eastern side of the continental peninsular which became an island by separating itself from the continent of Europe .
26 Later in the twelfth century Vladimir became the capital and leading city of the area and continued so until it succumbed to the Tartars .
27 I closed the curtains , went to bed , pulled the blanket high over my head and slept peacefully until I heard through layers of consciousness that unforgettable sound , the voice of the wind .
28 The pups slithered out onto the weedy boulders , not forty feet from the cottage window , and waited expectantly until she reappeared carrying a sizeable fish , which the two of them ate together , wrestling over it among the sea-tangle .
29 These slimy , dark creatures were applied to his back and left there until they became so full of blood that they fell off .
30 The Upper Reik is joined by the Sol to the south of Nuln and continues northwards until it converges with the blue waters of the Aver to form the Reik at Nuln itself .
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