Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] surprising that [det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's hardly surprising that some , like Carole , think , think their behaviour is connected to something their child eats , drinks or breathes in .
2 Since Cube is also producing Del , Yo-Yo and his own material ( his new LP is reputedly incredible ) , it 's hardly surprising that this is n't perfect .
3 As we grow older and closer to the unanswerable questions concerning our own mortality , it 's hardly surprising that most of us cling more strongly to that which we know and become set in our ways .
4 Given the thinly disguised mutual suspicion which traditionally exists between economists and sociologists , it is scarcely surprising that most mainstream economists were deeply unhappy at what they regarded as an unjustified yielding of territory to an altogether less rigorous discipline . )
5 Given these difficulties , it is hardly surprising that many patients with IBS show signs of neurotic depression and anxiety neurosis .
6 In these circumstances it is hardly surprising that many lone women parents do not work .
7 It is hardly surprising that many children eventually acquire a similar attitude towards the relevance of mathematics .
8 Their origins , their tectonic and metamorphic history , and their structural relations , present geologists with some of the most complex problems to be solved within the science as a whole , and so it is hardly surprising that many universities have research interests here .
9 Given the influences that shaped their work , it is hardly surprising that many painters , sculptors and architects turned to jewellery design as a natural and legitimate outlet for their creativity .
10 With their characteristic and pervasive atmosphere of sexuality and sensuality and their erotic tales presented or disguised within verbal play , it is hardly surprising that many have considered " pornography " to be an appropriate term to describe at least a good part of what is found in these fabliaux .
11 It is hardly surprising that such a large percentage of young people ‘ fail ’ in a situation where school work holds little intrinsic value for them or their parents .
12 It is hardly surprising that such a powerful event as a revolution is necessary to uproot the social order and destroy these institutions .
13 It is hardly surprising that such a powerful attack on conventional macroeconomic policy as that outlined in the previous chapter has provoked a number of counter-attacks .
14 Error and uncertainty are common features of cartographic information , so it is hardly surprising that these aspects are also present in digital versions of analogue maps .
15 It is hardly surprising that any sensible businessman tries to keep out of court if at all possible .
16 In a world where , far from becoming ‘ paperless ’ , our output of printed material is doubling every three years it is hardly surprising that any attempt to increase our efficient use of paper is rapidly accepted .
17 Given their view of the reports as generally descriptive , it is hardly surprising that few teachers felt that having to submit a written report on their school was in any measure a professional threat to them .
18 It is hardly surprising that some nurses , without wishing to leave the profession to which they are dedicated , should welcome the intellectual challenge of clinical research .
19 Again , this is a complex notion in itself , so it is hardly surprising that some respondents found it difficult to reply to the questions : Has the conceptual map of your subject changed much in the last decade ?
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