Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] possible [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is even possible to argue that the scientific revolution saw an unprecedented fusion of science with theology , resulting in more secular forms of piety .
2 It is possible to treat each of the pair , as a single consonant phoneme ( we will call this the one-phoneme analysis of , ) , and it is also possible to say that they are composed of two phonemes each — either plus or plus all of which are already established as independent phonemes of English ; this will be called the two-phoneme analysis of and .
3 In this it is also possible to plan and display future cultivations and other operations .
4 It is also possible to argue that less sensitive and reflective young readers might prefer Astrid Lindgren 's Pippi Longstocking stories , or relate to Erica in Jan Mark 's Handles rather than to the solitary Toms , Maxes , and Tollies .
5 In similar vein , it is also possible to argue that some view of how improvement in practice takes place is a necessary prerequisite of any accountability procedure .
6 It is perfectly possible to imagine that memories are coded for negatively , by reducing the level of some substance or process , although in practice nearly all research seems to be devoted to trying to identify increases .
7 And , as I shall explain more fully in Chapter 2 , it is quite possible to ensure that they do not suffer in any way at all , whether mentally , physically or emotionally .
8 Of course , it is always possible to say that people are suffering from false consciousness ( women , for example , are continually suffering from the illusion that they are not being exploited in the home ) but that is surely too patronising a view to be taken at all seriously .
9 It is therefore possible to argue that an analogy with child protection is misleading , since we do not assume that children should look after themselves .
10 It is therefore possible to say that any economic policy is an incomes policy , and in particular that any economic policy designed to prevent or reduce the rate of inflation is an incomes policy .
11 It is therefore possible to say that a standard Afghan Belouch , for example , will normally be comparable in price to a Yagcibedir , and both will usually be between a third and half the cost of a Russian Bokhara or Beshir .
12 It is entirely possible to think that if ‘ literary ’ and ‘ aesthetic ’ are words that go naturally with ‘ American ’ but not with ‘ English ’ , so much the worse for the English .
13 As soon as A's and B's deliveries have both been made , C's 15 cwt. become ascertained by exhaustion , since it is then possible to say that all the potatoes left on the lorry are destined for C. Now suppose that before the lorry is despatched , C sells his 15 cwt. to B and arranges with S that the lorry shall drop 40 cwt. to B in Bristol .
14 It is then possible to argue that the so-called terraces really represent parts of a single warped surface , but a close study of the altitudes usually leads to their interpretation as distinct terraces .
15 It is then possible to identify whether the accident happened during or immediately after take-off , during cruising flight or when landing .
16 However , more heterogeneity is seen at the gene level and it is now possible to examine that α 1 AT genotype using techniques including polymerase chain reaction and hybridisation to ASO probes .
17 It is now possible to investigate whether it is ‘ just ’ extra DNA sequence , with no apparently defined hypersensitive sites , which leads to position-independent expression of the transgene by designing a minimal ‘ Long ’ construct containing only the defined DH sites ( experiments in progress ) .
18 The past decade has seen immense progress in elucidating the scientific basis for a proper discipline of programming : it is now possible to prove that a computer program meets its specification , in much the same way that mathematicians and engineers know how to prove the correctness of a proposed solution to the relevant differential equations .
19 With this work as a background , it is now possible to review and develop the various options for change in the planning system which are currently proposed .
20 It is now possible to add or remove elements , and modify whole sections of the commercial , by means of computer systems such as ‘ Paintbox ’ — a system that contributed greatly to Peter Greenaway 's feature film Prospero 's Books — or ‘ Harry ’ .
21 At present it is only possible to guess that the largest of the villas , such as Woodchester , Bignor and North Leigh may have been owner occupied .
22 It is only possible to assert that work begun with a lifting of the heart is likely to go on for longer than work begun with a contracting of the stomach , that work done with a lifting of the heart will develop further than work done with a contracting of the stomach , but there is nothing to indicate that the small amount of work which is the result of a contracting of the stomach will not be better than the large amount of work done with a lifting of the heart , than the rich development which is the likely result of work undertaken with a lifting of the heart , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , poring over the pages covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve , glanced up at the sheet in his typewriter , always bearing in mind , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , that better and worse are relative terms , and that one man 's better is another man 's worse , one age 's better is another age 's worse , one civilization 's better is another civilization 's worse , better , worse , relative values , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , that in the long run it all comes to the same thing , long run , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , same thing .
23 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
24 By Ottoman reckoning Molla Fenari would have been twenty in Safar 770 , and it is perhaps possible to suppose that he could have returned from Egypt in time to be appointed at the end of the year .
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