Example sentences of "it [is] [adj] [prep] be aware " in BNC.

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1 It 's easy to be aware that things need sorting out but to be too preoccupied with the routine of living to do anything about it .
2 It 's wise to be aware of all the factors which can influence our reactions , and indeed to protect ourselves where possible from needless pain .
3 Put in context , these people do not dominate the scene , but it is good to be aware of them .
4 To develop the pecs fully it is necessary to be aware of how much development there is already , and whether that development is well balanced .
5 I consider that , in order to understand the meaning of the court 's decision , it is necessary to be aware of a number of facts which are not mentioned in your article :
6 Referring to these social phenomena as student ‘ crazes ’ detracts from their seriousness , but it is necessary to be aware of the different words , their translations and colloquial usage in the contemporary setting .
7 It is necessary to be aware that future conditions and demands may be very different from those of the present .
8 To stay alive as a teacher , it is necessary to be aware of the variety of perspectives and the fact that they are very deep rooted .
9 This dialectic concerning the balance of human cognitive powers in theological understanding certainly influenced the way in which the medieval mystics expressed themselves , and it is necessary to be aware of the context of argument within which they wrote .
10 All have certain basic characters and in order to understand their role in development it is helpful to be aware of four cell activities , three cell structures , and two main kinds of molecule .
11 In order to pass by without getting something sticky on your feet it is wise to be aware of the nature of these definitions , misinformations , appropriations and assumptions .
12 Before considering the various methods which various owners and developers have adopted to achieve the satisfactory conversion of church buildings to domestic use , it is important to be aware of the procedure through which the majority of churches become available for conversion .
13 When attempting a rational approach to planning it is important to be aware of these political factors .
14 Without labouring the point , it is clear that not all deviant behaviour is criminal , and it is important to be aware of the distinction between the two concepts .
15 It may be that we are becoming a more ‘ criminal ’ nation as the increase in crime rates would suggest , but this can not just be assumed and it is important to be aware of other possible reasons for such an increase .
16 It is easy to mistake these for direct effects of the allergy itself , so it is important to be aware of the possible effects of particular drugs .
17 It is important to be aware of which does what and why .
18 It is important to be aware of the ideal conditions for using a UV system and so ensure that fish enjoy the best possible environment .
19 It is important to be aware of the various hazards of retirement so it can be understood and interpreted in terms of the individual 's own feelings and priorities in life .
20 But it is important to be aware of the limitations of the statistical concept of style before going on to a more realistic assessment of its value .
21 Like the term ‘ deindustrialization ’ , the term ‘ services ’ is open to a number of interpretations and it is important to be aware of some of the different uses of the term before turning to the question of whether Britain is or is not a service economy .
22 It is important to be aware that trade unions are organisations in their own right , and we must not assume too hastily or too readily that the goals of a trade union organisation are the same as those of its members or full-time officials .
23 Barnard described an organisation as a ‘ system of cooperative human activities ’ and it is important to be aware that :
24 Throughout this discussion , therefore , it is important to be aware of the gulf that frequently exists between out-of-date constitutional models and inappropriate concepts ( although these are still sometimes invoked by politicians ) , and the actual practice of policy-making .
25 In developing work in the classroom one 's own expectations and experiences often interfere with a child 's progress and it is important to be aware of this and exercise self control .
26 In circumstances where confidentiality is being maintained , it is important to be aware of the possibility of a leak at any stage of the process .
27 Afterwards , the finished article is inevitably subjected to stresses , hence it is important to be aware of the mechanical and rheological properties of each material and understand the basic principles underlying their response to such forces .
28 It is important to be aware of the fact that , however obvious and relevant these measures might seem to us , they are all ‘ theoryladen ’ in the sense that they all assume , usually without argument or justification , a particular theory of economic growth and/or development .
29 The attainment targets in National Curriculum history require the use of both , but it is important to be aware of the distinction between them to avoid great confusion .
30 If not really bad , certain conformational faults need not bar a mare from breeding but it is important to be aware of them in order to make sure the stallion you choose is strong in the areas where the mare is weak .
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