Example sentences of "it [vb mod] be [adj] assume that " in BNC.

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1 However , it may be wrong to assume that this inability to create a coordinated response is a bad thing : a truly-integrated response to the cities from the Conservative governments elected in 1979 and after might have been even more detrimental to the major conurbations than it has been .
2 It might be reasonable to assume that Mr Goodhaven did n't set the trap himself , to persuade me of his innocence , ’ he said , writing ‘ Henry Goodhaven ’ on the list .
3 IT MIGHT be fair to assume that the people who made the posters for both Labour and the Conservatives would be experts on the way the campaign has been run .
4 " Clearly it would be rash to assume that Shakespeare knew of this earlier version . "
5 ‘ On the other hand , ’ Doctor Staples said , ‘ it would be unscientific to assume that this had anything to do with his lung collapse .
6 The cynic may perhaps be forgiven for commenting that the freedom given by the Use Classes Order and the GDO is so hedged by restrictions , and frequently so difficult to comprehend ( though he may note with relief that painting is not subject to control , unless it is ‘ for purpose of advertisement , announcement or direction ’ ) that it would be safer to assume that any operation constitutes development and requires planning permission .
7 Yet it would be anachronistic to assume that they had surrendered their rights in anticipation of Marxist theories about the superiority of the all-Russian market , or that they felt a particular brotherly love towards the Great Russian folk .
8 However enjoyable it was , it would be dangerous to assume that yesterday 's party can continue .
9 It would be dangerous to assume that this balance of topics necessarily reflects the Authority 's PNP priorities very accurately .
10 It is not possible to identify the proportional contributions of student and supervisor to the publication , in terms of information content , but in the case of mapping assignments , it would be logical to assume that the student performed most of the fieldwork , deriving theoretical insights in later discussion with the supervisor and others .
11 It is not possible to identify the proportional contributions of student and supervisor to the publication , in terms of information content , but in the case of mapping assignments , it would be logical to assume that the student performed most of the fieldwork , deriving theoretical insights in later discussion with the supervisor and others .
12 In future , it would be better to assume that there will be amendments to the data , both when commissioning software and when planning storage and distribution arrangements .
13 It would be prudent to assume that the GRU , in collaboration with its clients , is effective at identifying needs and diverting what it purloins to the right places .
14 In R v Mehmed [ 1963 ] Crim LR 780 where the accused had an air pistol which he produced in another 's private house , it would be reasonable to assume that he must have carried it in a public place to get it there or to take it away .
15 Allowing for a certain amount of exaggeration , it would be reasonable to assume that most of the wealthy landowners and business men would have suffered in this ruthless purge .
16 It would be reasonable to assume that the considerable changes that took place in Britain were a result of these large-scale confiscations .
17 This is somewhat surprising , since it would be reasonable to assume that domain-specific dictionaries would contain the most appropriate collocations for domain-specific documents .
18 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
19 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
20 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
21 Perhaps it would be reasonable to assume that 550 deaths are caused in England , Wales and Scotland every year by drunken driving .
22 If the lender under such an instrument had the right to require early redemption , but on exercise of that right he would receive only the original issue price , it would be unrealistic to assume that he would exercise it unless the issuer 's creditworthiness deteriorated to a significant extent .
23 It would be unrealistic to assume that any assessment process based solely on one assessor 's judgement of another 's competence would always be regarded as completely valid and reliable .
24 In many respects , however , life in a special school is like any other day or boarding school , and it would be wrong to assume that rare and special things go on in a special school .
25 It would be wrong to assume that the divisions in the Tory Party , which became so evident after Mrs Thatcher was dumped , have been healed .
26 It would be wrong to assume that Elizabeth 's reign was one of perfect happiness and freedom , or that the contrast between her real physical state and her royal image was not sometimes ridiculous .
27 The form of ‘ unofficial ’ war which they fought was more characteristic of brigandage and open robbery , but it would be wrong to assume that those who constituted the Companies were all , of necessity , men of criminal background or low degree .
28 While not necessarily accepting the fatalism of this argument , it would be wrong to assume that the balance of power between the sexes can be changed simply by persuading more girls to take ‘ boys ’ subjects ' : the issue is clearly too complex to justify simplistic remedies .
29 However , it would be wrong to assume that the future will be dominated by a material , objectified consciousness .
30 One is that it would be wrong to assume that all or even most judges have viewed the distinction in a purely instrumental fashion .
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