Example sentences of "it [modal v] give [noun] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the danger is that if relief is too often refused on such grounds it may give decision-makers the signal that it does not really matter whether they act within the law or not , so long as the decision is ‘ right ’ .
2 And it should give managers an incentive to invest — both in themselves and in their company 's strategy — for the long term .
3 If more women breastfed they say , it would give others the encouragement to go ahead , both inside and outside the home .
4 It would give people the right to see their employment records .
5 If this ( expected ) relative price is high then it will give suppliers an incentive to produce and sell more this period and hold the proceeds in monetary form , in anticipation that their real value will increase as the average price level falls next period .
6 Sabotage can break the rhythm of work and it can give workers the feeling of having some control over their work situation , however slight .
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