Example sentences of "it [modal v] act [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may act as a decoy , its bright yellow flowers attracting the beetle away from your beans .
2 It is able to recycle material which is now being expensively destroyed in incinerators or dumped into the sea , where it may act as a source of marine pollution .
3 Founded by William of Waynflete in 1484 it was intended that it should act as a feeder to Magdalen College itself , which he also founded .
4 The young academic coolly eyed the embattled farmer and , commenting upon the destruction wrought upon the fen , looked forward to its return to wilderness after the war , so that it could act as a buffer for the nature reserve of Wicken Fen against the farmed land :
5 Howard would surely not have objected to either , although the idea of a department of corrections would have been very strange to him and the idea that it could act as a system to feed and clothe itself would presumably have seemed a desirable but unreal and irrelevant objective .
6 In this sense it could act as a model for ‘ non-aligned naval support ’ for the USSR .
7 In each of these three cases only one animal at a time was sacred , chosen for its special markings , and it could act as an oracle for the god .
8 They argued that it would act as a mirror " to reflect the desires , opinions and hardships of the Thai society " so as to promote unity , ensure that the population 's grievances were heard , and prevent future crises from undermining the country and its institutions .
9 If it were abolished , it would act as a stimulus to exports and the Government would find Britain 's ‘ alarming ’ trade deficit reduced .
10 Alliance councillor Larry Thompson warned that if such a motion was passed and implemented it would act as a catalyst encouraging other groups and organisations to apply for the same free waste collection .
11 It would act as an incentive .
12 Alone again , she eyed the soup in her mug malevolently , convinced it would act as an emetic .
13 I warn Ministers that if the machine tool industry goes under , it will act as a deterrent to inward investment because it will show that the Government are not committed to the principle of assistance .
14 First , it will act as a safeguard against today 's widespread and unnecessary breakdown of faith .
15 It will act as a case study in how imports are facilitated by changing distribution patterns in the UK and how UK manufacturers ' ability to react is hampered by an inadequate information base .
16 It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader .
17 First , it can act as a blueprint for the manufacture of amino acids ; and second , it has the capacity to replicate itself .
18 But if the tip-twitching becomes more powerful , then it can act as a clue that a swipe from a bad-tempered paw is imminent .
19 The slapping block can also knock the incoming punch sideways , but the blocking hand must be retrieved as quickly as possible so that it can act as a guard .
20 Many professions , too , are very ready to affirm their weddedness to the value of the critical attitude : there is a growing sense , at least among the senior echelons , that tradition is all very well , but it can act as a brake on necessary change .
21 If the object is not removed , it can act as a focus of infection and , in the case of the male , may produce a urethritis which will be resistant to treatment until the offending article has been removed .
22 Providing it does not clog filter intakes , it has a few things going for it : it can act as a curb on nitrate and phosphate levels , provide shelter for any overlooked fry and even supplement the fish 's diet in holiday periods .
23 I agree that this scheme is significant not only because of what may be achieved for good in the north-west , but because it can act as a model for planning for other areas and for other denominations .
24 It can act as an inspection tool , for instance to determine whether the design of postage stamps is correct ; alternatively , the computer can feed instructions about the shape of objects to a robot in enough time for the machine to pick it up .
25 Baldwin 's speech sets out the boundaries within which the press must operate : it can act as an adjunct of the political parties , it can be the mouthpiece of the parties or politicians and it may even criticize governments in power , but it can not transgress the real line which marks off dependence on , from independence of , the political parties .
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