Example sentences of "it [be] not [adj] to say that " in BNC.

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1 It 's not possible to say that U2 sound like blah , which is great .
2 And well , it 's not nice to say that a girl is fat these days , but she was all ample proportioned we 'll put it like that .
3 track , because it it , no other transport business er has er does has to have a business , which op owns both the track it 's operating on and the operating er facilities themselves , so the we 're not doing anything new here , what we are actually doing , and incidentally the German government and other governments are going down the same route now because it 's not true to say that others are n't privatizing , what we 're doing is saying that we are having a separate track authority , and there are a variety of reasons for that , er but the an and that means actually less investment by the franchisee himself , but he will have control over the th the track operations , because he will have a contract , with Rail Track , to deliver certain services , and if Rail Track does n't deliver them then he 's able to claim penalties so
4 He says that a substantial amount has been paid in benefits , it 's not true to say that they owe the tenants a large amount of arrears .
5 A spokeswoman for the liquidator of Continental , Cork Gully , said : ‘ It 's not true to say that the club wo n't get any money but at the moment we do n't know how much any pay-out will be . ’
6 It would be arrogant to suggest that the West no longer tells the story , but I think that it is not untrue to say that the Devil is not as central to that story as he was .
7 So — strictly speaking — it is not correct to say that it ‘ happened ’ in the seventeenth century and to leave it at that .
8 It is not correct to say that the Government Select Committee on Health has recommended a continuation of the current system of voluntary agreements on tobacco advertising as opposed to an EC ban .
9 It is not possible to say that the material as to the second audit must be irrelevant .
10 It is not possible to say that all agents owe the same duties to their principals : it is always necessary to have regard to the express or implied terms of the contract .
11 Thus it is not possible to say that drivers attend to information differently for different road types .
12 The major limitation of the measure is that it is theoretically open-ended — it is not possible to say that there will be no further citations to a particular thesis in the future .
13 It is not possible to say that these families were typical of all Caribbean families in London .
14 However , it is not true to say that it is dangerous to apply the opposite rudder in an incipient spin .
15 Admittedly , it is not true to say that Esau is not blessed by God .
16 It is not true to say that a menstruating woman is unclean — she has a status of tameh , a word which has been wrongly translated for years as ‘ unclean ’ but which would be much better translated as ‘ impure ’ .
17 It is not true to say that anything is justified in a good cause : vulgarity , exhibitionism and ugliness are things to be avoided .
18 But it is not true to say that a legacy or institution made in terms other than these was unquestionably void .
19 So , although it is not true to say that all tortoiseshell cats are females , it is true to say that they are all feminine — even the rare males .
20 While political organization among lesbians and gays may be taking a low profile , it is not true to say that the clocks have been turned back .
21 It is not true to say that because we are not meeting EC directives absolutely that the water is poisoned , ’ said Mr Byatt .
22 This suggest that , in many cases , it is not true to say that lobby correspondents slavishly follow the Downing Street line on a story .
23 The Government 's response was : ’ it is not true to say that the reserves are lost forever if pits currently accessing them are closed . ’
24 It is not true to say that Freshfayre contacted Compact and neither were the staff of Compact aware until much later of Mr Bell 's interests in the company .
25 It is not unfair to say that some turn out not to mean quite what everyone thought but nevertheless because they represent government policy — seldom of a direct party kind — they are useful .
26 So it is not sufficient to say that the blood " screens " the offender .
27 It begins to sound from this description that it 's I twelve which is a bit of a dinosaur , a a dodo , that this is a county trying to carry on a thing which has probably passed its sell by date , that er it is n't fair to say that I five is primarily for industry , erm that is n't what the law says it is .
28 But it is n't true to say I 'd certainly say it is n't true to say that making the recommendations of our market have been slightly up recommendation in takings .
29 Merkur Island were not parties to any contract for the supply of towage services , so it was not possible to say that the purpose of the action was to prevent the supply of services between an employer who was party to the dispute ( Merkur Island ) and the employer under the contract of employment to which the secondary action related ( the tug owners ) .
30 The lawyer said that it was not possible to say that the young people had suffered any permanent effects as a result of their experience .
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