Example sentences of "to [be] a kind [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was made uneasy by those parading men in smart suits and dark glasses , who appeared to be a kind of confraternity of Falangists , ardent nationalists and supporters of Franco , whose picture was everywhere .
2 It is seven mile from Yarmouth and used to be a kind of pub or lodging-house for wherry-men when the wherry traffic was the only kind on the river .
3 As far as the old liberated areas were concerned , there was going to be a kind of land investigation again .
4 In Britain it seems to be a kind of tradition that if you refer to modern art at all , you make jokes about it .
5 Reading a pre-war book , I came across a reference to a ‘ clerihew , ’ which seems to be a kind of poem .
6 It seemed that each member of the group had a question to ask concerning his or her own life , and the whole thing turned out to be a kind of Agony Aunt column — you took along your problem and were advised what you should do , and you did it .
7 These six poems are a brief moment of religious experience in an age that believes religion to be a kind of defeatism and puts its hope for man in finding the right secular order .
8 In fact , there seems to be a kind of Ur -pop song in Adorno 's mind — to which no actual song , however standardized , could totally conform .
9 Immersion in this view would seem to be a kind of baptism which mysteriously induces the gift of tongues .
10 ‘ Once I realised that this novel was going to be a kind of mammoth , I decided to forgo writing the series .
11 In many countries there is no legal recourse to defaults on gambling debts , and a futures contract may be considered to be a kind of gamble .
12 As I understand it , you were continuing the same metaphor when you told me that you wanted me to be a kind of groundsman .
13 Brown was supposed to be a kind of entertainer , albeit a reluctant and irritable one , and he had to sing for his supper .
14 The first room he came to was a kind of study , equipped with telephones , typewriters , and copying machines .
15 Maybe the special school he went to was a kind of hospital .
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