Example sentences of "have gone up to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No , he 'd gone up to the traffic lights and this cyclist sort of like cycled up , jumped off his bike and wheeled it round the corner so he
2 ‘ If Gebrec was upset or worried about something and just wanted to be alone to think things over , ’ said Jack , ‘ he might have gone up to the belvedere , or down by the river where we went yesterday to do our painting . ’
3 Surely Ashenden would have gone up to the Pay-Out desk immediately , if he 'd been there especially since that was the only time he was going to be in the betting-shop .
4 I you see you 're not exceeding what the government is establishing as your target level , you 're falling short of that , and that means that some people will not get services that they would get if you had gone up to the level .
5 Buck had gone up to the green and marked his ball .
6 I thought he was following me and other hotel-guests to the shelter , but he was n't ; he had gone up to the roof ‘ to watch it all ’ .
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