Example sentences of "have got ta [verb] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 they come home they 've got ta snuggle up in bed with a book
2 Yes , but you 've got ta sit down in the end so
3 The higher you go , the less we 've got ta go up in the lift , or up the stairs .
4 I mean , either you 've got ta hang around in the morning , or he 's got ta hang around at night .
5 you 've got ta get up in the mood Jane , I did Saturday morning
6 So these cupboards have got ta go on here but the door 's got ta go up in the meantime ?
7 Jus , er Justin 's got ta come back in
8 He 's got ta come back in the morning but he never said that .
9 So when we , you see there 's no good putting anything in there erm or doing anything with it if we 're not going to use it or if it 's got ta come down in another year or two .
10 Right , the second one now I 'm gon na do , is the one that 's equals three plus four , yeah , and you have got ta write down in the form P plus Q I so it 's the real bit plus the imaginary bit , one over Z.
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