Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] by several [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The rape victim was able to give such a good description , that an artist 's impression has been recognised by several people .
2 It is a stance which has been nurtured by several things , family bereavement and an intelligent , contemplative nature amongst them , but was perhaps most impelled by the experience of coaching in Bangladesh in the winter of 1989–90 .
3 This flexible approach to arranging help for childcare has been adopted by several companies .
4 The subject of intergroup competition has been studied by several researchers , and in general the following conclusions have been reached :
5 And has been said by several people who are here .
6 The significance of the new appointments and structures has been emphasised by several commentators , especially those with a general management perspective .
7 Ritual has been regarded by several anthropologists as a social event in which pent-up emotions can find some form of release .
8 However , as has been noted by several writers ( e.g. , Ballentine and Eris , 1975 ) , it is not legitimate to apply formulae derived for infinitesimal changes from a no-tax , no-distortion position .
9 Recently this problem has been attacked by several companies including DataEase International with its DataEase Express for Windows package .
10 The change in refractive index of the polymer with temperature has been used by several workers to establish T g .
11 Coronary vasoconstriction has been suggested by several case-reports but full cardiac investigations have seldom been carried out .
12 It has been proposed by several workers that trench nephritis was caused by hantavirus , although the classic descriptions from the First World War do not tally closely with the variants of hantavirus infection that have been described in the past 40 years .
13 Thank you Chairman , I appreciate that erm prudence is n't flavour of the month in the current majority at this County Council and that indeed has been proved by several speeches from the opposition parties that were made this morning
14 The effect of pure ethanol on gastric acid secretion has been investigated by several workers .
15 Clearly , this is a programme which could command considerable support , but its development has been impeded by several problems .
16 These tortoise holes are often so long — up to forty feet — that judging from the tortoise 's slow rate of excavation they must have been made by several generations and are probably several centuries old .
17 The 1975 Algiers agreement had been necessitated by several factors : Iraqi charges of Iranian moral and material support for Kurdish insurgents ; widespread Arab resentment ( which Iraq sought to champion ) of Iran 's seizure of the three islands down the Gulf with apparent British collusion in 1971 ; friction over the Shatt al-Arab concerning both frontier demarcation and responsibility for river traffic ; and Iraq 's 1972 treaty of friendship with the USSR , a neighbour regarded by Iran with some disquiet .
18 The aim was to launch these after Easter , stressing their potential usefulness for Advent 1993 , and it was noted that a specific demand for Advent Studies had been expressed by several groups .
19 Nevertheless , enough weight had been given by several sources to make it worthwhile checking .
20 Mrs Titcombe 's nagging suspicions had been aroused by several points .
21 Now it had been joined by several cars and a coach was disgorging a gaggle of tourists .
22 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
23 However , the spokesman , Mr Vladimir Mestensev , said Mr Gorbachev had been outvoted by several Praesidium members led by the former Moscow Party Chief , Mr Boris Yeltsin .
24 She had been guaranteed by several people and entered Michael Hall School .
25 Part of the explanation lies in the succession of downward revisions that have had to be made to Pearson 's 1992 profits , which have been affected by several disappointments , predominantly among the non-publishing divisions .
26 Failures to cite relevant papers have been studied by several authors .
27 I have been asked by several Society members what it was like to take a ride on the Bishop 's Castle Railway , and the best description that I know of is the account by the late Sir Jasper More in his book , ‘ A TALE OF TWO HOUSES ’ , published by Sir Jasper in 1978 .
28 Attempts to resolve the relationship between information needs and information-seeking behaviour have been made by several authors .
29 Molecular alterations correlating with the phenotype of these mutants have been sought by several laboratories .
30 Both factors have been shown by several groups to be associated with changes in biliary bile acid composition .
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