Example sentences of "have drop [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have to look at what has dropped out of the system . ’
2 Having noticed this discrepancy , Husameddin suggests that the text of Ibn Hajar ought to read thus suggesting that a ( seven ) has dropped out of the text .
3 It seems to me from what Mr in particular said , that the bottom as it were has dropped out of the market to this extent that it seems that the policy that he 's advocating , is not thirty one thousand any more , but thirty one thousand plus any amount of windfalls and recycling .
4 County NatWest , the merchant bank heavily censured by inspectors from the Department of Trade and Industry for its role in the Blue Arrow affair , has dropped out of the table for the first time .
5 She woke a short while later under the impression that she 'd dropped off at a cocktail party .
6 In fact , Orrell players have had to drop out of the County Championship to back their own club .
7 On the bedside table , he was in the act of placing a Bible , so that he may have dropped off into a doze while reading it .
8 She woke , exclaiming that she must have dropped off in the heat .
9 Nick Cusack may have to drop out of the squad because of injury .
10 Aggie had taken her hat and coat off and had dropped on to the settle , and as he entered the room she said immediately , ‘ Somethin' will have to be … ’ but paused as Millie came in on Ben 's heels , and she nodded towards her saying , ‘ Go and take your things off and set the tray . ’
11 He stooped to retrieve an ear-ring which had dropped out of a blouse he was holding .
12 The move is an about-face for Rabobank , which recently announced that it had dropped out of the race for the licence .
13 Bertie Ahern , who had dropped out of the leadership contest to assure Reynolds of victory , remained Finance Minister .
14 Both residential preferences and government policy had dropped out of the picture .
15 All her hair had dropped out in the night and she was choking on it . ’
16 We 've dropped out of a lot of product lines , like simple caps and closures for low value household products and flexible packaging for commodity business .
17 Harper had to drop out of the race with badly blistered feet after completing 80.53 miles .
18 In spite of such precautions , bugs have dropped on to the pillow of the sick woman before the visitor 's eyes …
19 The clouds have dropped down over the mountain so that the evangelicals and charismatics on the first contour above the town have vanished into the mist .
20 Although notions of purpose ( ‘ teleology ’ ) still have a place in biology , they have dropped out of the physics and chemistry which have become our model sciences .
21 ‘ Look , it so happens that a number of people have dropped out of the scheme for one reason or another , and there 's now a place for you at the end of the team .
22 It must be the first time ever in the Five Nations Championship that two referees have dropped out of the opening games , with England 's Ed Morrison missing the Ireland v Wales game through a rib injury , and Yours Truly having to watch the England v Ireland game on television through a ‘ flu virus .
23 One problem is that as younger , fitter people have dropped out of the pool , premiums have had to rise dramatically .
24 Now it 's pretty obvious one side the fo A forklift has tried to put a pallet in between two and nudged the pallet next to it and it 's the pallet 's dropped down into the racking .
25 Subsequently the council 's own officers told the inquiry that a pedestrian had been killed on Hollyhurst Road because he could n't find a safe place to cross , that ambulances struggle to get down Hollyhurst Road in emergencies , that residents cars are blocked in their drives and that buses have to drop off in the middle of the road .
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