Example sentences of "have [be] found in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 According to Channel 4 TV 's Dispatches , contamination has been found in private groundwater supplies used by food and drink manufacturers .
2 Much of the material has been found in recent years in synagogues , many themselves in poor states of repair or inaccessible to scholars as they are now in private hands .
3 Several studies of self monitoring in non-insulin dependent diabetes have now been carried out , but no difference has been found in glycaemic control between those who monitor their blood glucose concentrations and those who do not .
4 A group at the Royal Free Hospital in London has implicated a vasculitic process possibly initiated by the measles virus since encoding mRNA has been found in affected tissue .
5 The retention of such traditional architectural patterns is hardly surprising , but , as yet , none has been found in third-century contexts .
6 Similar consistency has been found in urban constituencies .
7 More people with incontinence seem to be consulting their doctors about it than has been found in previous studies , but the procedures carried out by general practitioners still seem to be suboptimal .
8 Officials claimed that large numbers of weapons had been found in various towns .
9 Voice of Ethiopia radio reported on Jan. 9 that the remains of several thousand people massacred during the 17-year regime of former President Mengistu Haile Mariam had been found in mass graves near Debre Zeit , 40 km south of the capital , Addis Ababa .
10 Although only two attested examples of this usage have been found in modern English , the contrast between the bare and the to infinitive in these contexts confirms the percept/concept distinction observed above : ( 88 ) The smallest pin could be heard drop .
11 Some of the best collections of these tools have been found in sunken buildings at Swindon ( Wiltshire ) which were accompanied by small bone pins and various iron instruments .
12 Herpes simplex virus infection ( cold sores ) can easily be transferred from the mouth to the genitalia , and since doctors have started looking for them , cases of gonococcal infection in the throat have been found in increasing numbers .
13 The majority of the examples of this stone type have been found in eastern England .
14 Unmistakably Egyptian motifs and decorations have been found in Irish books and manuscripts .
15 Overall differences , which have been found in other studies , may be partly due to black people tending to live in areas of social deprivation .
16 After all , privatization , deregulation , tax cuts , falling capital markets , and reducing union power have been found in other states in the 1980s .
17 The differences between Blacks and Whites were fewer than have been found in other surveys , though Blacks ' attitudes tended to be less favourable .
18 Similar fluctuations have been found in other climate data going back 130,000 years .
19 The central link of a three-link horse-bit was excavated at Walton ; if actually Anglo-Saxon it is a very rare example ( Farley 1976 , p. 198 ) ; late prehistoric terrets have been found in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries on the Isle of Wight and in Kent ( Arnold 1982a , p. 68 ) .
20 Cadmium , lead and arsenic — all on Britain 's Red List of dangerous substances — have been found in high concentrations in the Humber Estuary , the River Thames and throughout the North Sea .
21 Several useful agents have been found in unexpected places .
22 Large deposits of ash , burnt clay and associated briquetage have been found in numerous places along this coastal strip .
23 Traces of all three elements have been found in isolated cases before then so it is perhaps exaggerating to say that an entirely new tradition was invented .
24 Many artefacts decorated in this way have been found in royal tombs on the mainland .
25 Minor placer enrichments have been found in coastal dunes at Rattray Head , near Fraserburgh but the offshore potential is unknown .
26 Different varieties have been found in different areas .
27 Similar patterns in the global distribution of per capita GNP have been found in previous analyses , of 1972 and 1988 data .
28 Recently new markets have been found in foreign factory ships , mainly from the USSR and Poland , which have bought much of the catch at sea , or it has been sold to French canneries which take it by road and the cross-Channel ferry from Plymouth .
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