Example sentences of "have [be] [adj] to find [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the South East , for example , it has been common to find former village shops and post offices converted into bookshops , antique shops and delicatessens .
2 Husameddin offers nothing in the way of specific evidence to support his statement either about Molla Yegan 's resignation or about Molla Fenari 's appointment , however , and is indeed at pains to say that in spite of much research he has been unable to find any signatures of Molla Fenari 's dating from this second kadilik .
3 ‘ But surely we ought to have been able to find some sort of compromise … ’
4 When he had first arrived at the then strange , adult world of Carewscourt , he had been delighted to find another boy of his own age living on the estate .
5 Most participants in special programmes simultaneously answered that they were in temporary jobs because they had been unable to find permanent work ; a small proportion , consisting mainly of YTS participants , saw their places on the scheme as jobs which were temporary because they involved a contract for training .
6 With the aid of the LFS we were able to examine further the extent to which members of the temporary labour force in the hotel and catering industry were working on that basis because they had been unable to find permanent jobs , and to what extent they were doing so because they did not want permanent jobs .
7 Charles Wesley congratulated himself in 1744 that as a consequence of his having preached against wrestling on his visit to Cornwall in the preceding year , the village of Gwennap had been unable to find enough men for their next contest , " all the Gwennap men being struck off the Devil 's list , and found wrestling against him not for him " .
8 With the benefit of hindsight , historians have been able to find various silver linings for de Gaulle in the protracted failure of the RPF .
9 During the last few years , Yugoslavia has been running a substantial surplus in its trade with the Soviet Union because , while there has been a sharp fall in the quantity of oil imported from the Soviet Union , as well as a fall in its price , the Yugoslavs have been unable to find other products worth buying from the Soviet Union .
10 In others , where the courts have been unable to find any contract between the parties , the courts have had to rely on an equitable doctrine of confidence .
11 The House of Lords alone proposed 569 amendments , and the Secretary of State for Education and Science , Kenneth Baker , said : ‘ I have been unable to find any measure since the war that has been more debated or had more parliamentary time allocated to it ’ .
12 Just 16 days ago a one-ton van bomb dumped at East London 's massive office development Canary Wharf also failed to explode although experts have been unable to find any fault .
13 Despite reference to seed catalogues and gardening books , I have been unable to find any information on its propagation , either from seed or from cuttings .
14 Both crabs died after about two months , but I have been unable to find any information on them .
15 Well , anyway , my men have been unable to find any connection between the two at all .
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