Example sentences of "of coming [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The SD agency in Würzburg even reported criticism of the fanaticism shown by Hitler and Göring which dispelled any hope of coming to terms with the enemy and meant the continuation on all sides of the ‘ war of annihilation ’ .
2 Decentralisation is also his way of coming to terms with the European Community : he is a Eurosceptic who will not hasten economic and monetary union .
3 In this chapter we have pointed to the importance of coming to terms with the British constitution and constitutional theory since they are both in and about British politics .
4 Twenty-year-old Peake not only scored the goal which put Pool on their way to a desperately needed win , he was also one of only a handful of players on either side who looked capable of coming to terms with the gale-force wind and bumpy pitch .
5 On the tarmac at Lyneham , crew members admitted being nervous about the possibility of coming under fire in the Bosnian capital , but there was strong determination to make sure the aid gets through .
6 They shared with Foxton the misfortune of coming into existence at the beginning of the motor car era , and whatever miscalculations may have been made in the construction , there was for all of them no way of gaining the large amounts of traffic that alone would have made them profitable .
7 To end on this note of safety , warn everyone on the set to beware of coming into contact with the hot surfaces of lamps , especially metal barn doors .
8 But we would nevertheless hope that by the end of their school careers as many pupils as possible will have been able to ‘ grow ’ through literature — both emotionally and aesthetically , both morally and socially — by virtue of coming into contact with the ‘ range of possible thought and feeling ’ identified above [ in the quotation from the Kingman Report printed on p. 72 ] .
9 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with the algae , and it is known to have caused serious illness , such as liver damage , in human beings , as well as producing skin reactions and allergies .
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