Example sentences of "of the [adj] [noun] of minister " in BNC.

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1 Also , given the meetings of the Trevi group of Ministers and the development of Europol , perhaps the Minister can say how soon it will be possible for other EC police forces to gain access to Britain 's police national computer and what restrictions will apply .
2 The Tadjik Communist Party central committee on March 3 expelled from the party Buri Karimov and Nur Tabarov , and on March 19 they were dismissed by the Tadjik Supreme Soviet as , respectively , a Deputy Chairman of the Tadjik Council of Ministers and Tadjik Minister of Culture , for having " compromised themselves " during nationalist unrest in the Tadjik capital , Dushanbe , in mid-February .
3 It voted to hear first a report on the state of the Russian Federation by the outgoing Chairman of the Russian Council of Ministers , Aleksandr Vlasov .
4 This in turn elected Ivan Silayev as Chair of the Russian Council of Ministers on June 15 .
5 Mr Delors ' upbeat report to MEPs on the Strasbourg summit was also reflected by the French Foreign Minister , Mr Roland Dumas , in giving his end-of-term report on the French presidency of the European Council of Ministers .
6 Mr Smith used the opening speech of Labour 's first European conference in Brighton to criticise John Major for his handling of events since the UK took over the presidency of the European Council of Ministers in July .
7 The recommendations , forming part of a programme of environmental measures , will be put to the 19 ministers gathered under the auspices of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport .
8 All five were members of the disbanded Council of Ministers .
9 Legislation regulating the work and determining the powers of the new Cabinet of Ministers was passed by the USSR Supreme Soviet on March 20 .
10 A formal resignation of the entire Council of Ministers in late December allowed President Alberto Keinya Fujimori to make adjustments to his government .
11 Two years later Francis Joseph showed that his controlling influence was a reality when , during the Balkan crisis of 1913 , he ignored the demand of the entire council of ministers for the presentation of an ultimatum to Montenegro .
12 But I was n't of the seniority to be one of the inner group of ministers which all prime ministers tend to work most closely with .
13 Of the 21 people who had been invited to join it , six were RSFSR ministers , three were Russians in industry and the remainder ministers from the other republics ( although not the Prime Ministers , who had been ex officio members of the dissolved Cabinet of Ministers ) .
14 Malenkov became Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers , but he was challenged by both Marshall Bulgarin and Khrushchev , as effective leader .
15 Yury Maslyukov , head of the Soviet side of the commission , a First Deputy Chair of the Soviet Council of Ministers and Chair of the Soviet State Planning Committee ( Gosplan ) , and Chinese Vice-Premier Tian Jiyun signed three documents which included agreements on joint ventures and a summary of the meeting .
16 On Jan. 15 , 1990 , an agreement was signed in Paris by Lev Voronin , a First Deputy Chair of the Soviet Council of Ministers and Bérégovoy , on economic , industrial and scientific co-operation between France and the Soviet Union , which replaced one concluded 25 years earlier .
17 May : May 8-11 ; in a tour in support of Middle East peace talks , Bessmertnykh visited Damascus , Tel Aviv ( the first trip to Israel by a Soviet Foreign Minister since the state was founded in 1948 ) , Amman and Cairo ; May 15-19 : the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party , Jiang Zemin , visited Moscow for talks on Sino-Soviet relations ; May 15 : Lev Voronin , a former deputy Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers , was appointed ambassador to the EC ; May 27 : the last Soviet troops on active duty in Czechoslovakia were withdrawn ; May 28-31 : Primakov was in Washington for talks with US leaders and World Bank and IMF officials to discuss Western aid .
18 Chidambaram 's resignation , the second by a member of the current Council of Ministers [ see p. 38813 ] , prompted the government to respond to calls by opposition parties for a full inquiry into the scandal by announcing the establishment on July 9 of a joint parliamentary committee .
19 Do Muoi , Chairman of the Vietnamese Council of Ministers , and Nguyen Van Linh , secretary general of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam ( CPV ) , paid separate visits to the Soviet Union during May .
20 A delegation led by Gen. Vo Van Kiet , Chair of the Vietnamese Council of Ministers , visited Laos on Feb. 13-15 .
21 The Presidium of the Moldavian Supreme Soviet on Jan. 10 appointed Pyotr Paskar as Chairman of the Moldavian Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) in place of Ivan Kalin , who was to take up a diplomatic post .
22 On May 25 Mircha Druk was elected Chair of the Moldavian Council of Ministers .
23 It did launch a general economic survey in 1953 , but this was at the request of the Special Council of Ministers , itself responding to national government worries about a slump in demand .
24 After four attempts to elect a Chair of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers , the outgoing holder of the post , Vitaly Masol , was re-elected on June 28 , despite having been blamed by some deputies during the election debate for the Ukraine 's current economic problems .
25 On Nov. 14 the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet voted overwhelmingly to confirm Vitold Fokin as Chairman of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers .
26 Popular Front deputy chairman Ivars Godmanis was elected Chairman of the Latvian Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) on May 7 .
27 Visitors to Liechtenstein included Dimitur Popov , Chair of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers , on June 24 , 1991 , and the Dalai Lama , the exiled Tibetan leader , on Aug. 17 , 1991 .
28 The Deputy Chairman of the Polish Council of Ministers , Jan Janowski , arrived in Beijing on Jan. 16 , 1990 , for an eight-day visit to promote economic co-operation .
29 Differences might be imposed , most notably in the case of the continuing ambivalence of Ministers and the DES about research , following the CNAA Council debates and actions around the 1966 White Paper .
30 This deployment had been decided at a Feb. 1 meeting of the Lebanese Council of Ministers , as part of a Syrian-backed initiative to restore the authority of the Lebanese government within the terms of the 1989 Taif agreement [ see pp. 36986 ; 37928 ] .
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