Example sentences of "of the [noun] in [det] respect " in BNC.

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1 Erm I 'm in I 'm in some difficulty because this is this is a matter that 's arisen since the original matters er matters for discussion were drawn up so I 'm not able to give you the formal views of the council in that respect .
2 On investigation , it was apparent that the claimant had been unaware of the regulations in this respect , and they had also been overlooked by the supervisor and administrative assistant who were involved in processing the claim .
3 Having admitted that the lower duty on unleaded petrol has helped to promote its use , has the Minister had any discussions with the Treasury about introducing such a lower level of duty for the cleaner diesel fuels which are now available , especially as BP is one of the pioneers in that respect ?
4 ‘ This is something all local authorities are expected to undertake but I believe Clackmannan are ahead of the field in this respect . ’
5 Further criticism of the USA in this respect was made ( i ) by the EC in particular as well as by the above three countries at a meeting on July 3 of the GATT Surveillance Body , a constituent body of the TNC ( see above ) ; and ( ii ) by the 26 member countries of the Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) on Aug. 3 at a ministerial meeting in Cartagena ( Colombia ) for having identified six countries ( Argentina , Brazil , Chile , Colombia , Mexico and Venezuela ) as not providing adequate protection for IPRs .
6 The elusiveness of the Reeve in this respect , while he knows fully the sleights of those around him ( 603 – 4 ) , makes him the more troubling .
7 There are fifty-nine references in the teaching of Jesus to the importance of the heart in this respect .
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