Example sentences of "of the [noun] before [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He pulled strongly across into the inshore current , and let it carry him down abreast of the church before he grounded the boat and climbed ashore .
2 If you knew the full sum of the doings before she died , you would see that this is the result my godmother intended . ’
3 He had bought a copy of The Times before he had come to The Randolph that morning , but hitherto had not even glanced at the headlines .
4 From safety she could notify the authorities of Travis 's whereabouts and still get out of the country before he caught up .
5 They 'd reached the door of the apartment before she broke the silence .
6 A moment later the frenzied cadet pitched forward and skidded prostrate for many metres , his strengthened fingernails scratching sparks from the plates of the deck before he came to rest .
7 He introduces Charlie to ‘ Mortimer Collins 's ‘ Transmigration ’ , and gave him a sketch of the plot before he opened the pages . ’
8 Alan Dawtrey was driving a Metro at about 80 mph on the wrong side of the road before it smashed into a lorry coming in the opposite direction , Oxford Crown Court heard .
9 She was almost on top of the river before she realised that this was where the path was leading , and here she found another seat from which she could see a boat or two plaiting lazy fans of rippling wake through the smooth water .
10 These were that the House would be inundated with appeals relating to the interpretation of statutes and that the House would not have the benefit of the careful consideration of the case before it went up to the House ( Drewry , 1973 ) .
11 He grabbed the end of the case before it hit him and stepped backwards using my momentum to take me forward and off balance , then he shoved back .
12 Unless they demonstrated their loyalty , Jordan would be keen to be rid of most of the refugees before they became a source of sedition .
13 I urged him to have a few of the young daughters of the gentlefolk before he established the provisional government at the Smolny Institute .
14 And ‘ the moor ’ is the description of the scene before it had been claimed for cultivation .
15 Two-up and with half fuel , we briefly was over a thousand feet per minute of the VSI before I had to throttle back to slide into position behind the struggling Cessna 150 camera ship .
16 He had known that Sidacai would work out the nature of the venture before he had to be told .
17 His task now was to get things into the hands of the professionals before he asked anyone to take his blood pressure for him .
18 She 'd pushed her bicycle most of the way before she collected enough sense to get on and ride it .
19 Molly moved them carefully to one end of the bar before she hung up Hugh 's clothes and her summer dresses .
20 I tell you this , Master , if we met a pretty maid I suspect she 'd fall in love with one of the horses before she took to any of us ! ’
21 The visible sufferings of the Croats before they had travelled five miles were terrible ; their invisible sufferings , with the prospect of the long march before them , many barefoot and without hope of food before they reached Maribor at the earliest , must have been indescribable . "
22 Connery was already a vocal supporter of the SNP before they had their first parliamentary victories in the Sixties , and when SNP fortunes were low in 1969 , you could still hear his recorded voice from the campaign trucks in the slums of the Gorbals , saying Scotland is a nation and should stand on her own two feet .
23 Over the years many leading members of the BDA were involved in the running of the Board before it wound up following the emergence of Social Services Departments , which took over responsibility for the welfare of the deaf .
24 Unlike the vivid adventure of the night before it had been peopled by sinister shadows .
25 She pulled the cold embroidered spaces of satin kimono closer to her and pressed her back into the wire of the fender before she drew the basket , full of wounded dog , nearer to herself and to the heat — the little bitch trembled amongst all her luxuries .
26 She had got to the top of the ladder before she remembered to ask : ‘ What did they do to th'hands ? ’
27 I remember nothing of the days before I left Jean-Claude .
28 Her husband Sid would recognize the warning signs when she turned pale and became anxious , and he would take her out of the room before she passed out .
29 The French won but it was a Pyrrhic victory and their victorious momentum was lost ; they contented themselves with sailing up the Ouse , burning settlements on the way and anchoring within sight of the town before they withdrew .
30 ‘ When I thanked you just now , by the way , it was because you got me out of the boat before I hit the water this time . ’
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