Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [vb mod] be found " in BNC.

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1 Further guidance on the acceptance of professional appointments can be found in section 7203 of the KPMG International manual .
2 Though excessive concentration on these equations can be criticised ( since they are not , in many ways , typical of chaotic systems ) , it remains true that examples of nearly all the types of chaotic behaviour seen in other three-dimensional dissipative systems of differential equations can be found , for some parameter values , in the Lorenz system .
3 There is also , though , a growing body of literature on the acquisition of deictic terms by children , most of which is referenced in Wales , 1979 and Tanz , 1980 , while a useful collection of cross-linguistic observations can be found in Anderson & Keenan , in Press .
4 Evidence of the existence of dry rot may be found in a musty smell pervading a suspect space ; the presence of a whitish cotton-wool-like fungal growth on timber ; cracking and bulging of joinery mouldings such as skirtings and door linings owed to the shrinkage of hidden fixing timber which has been attacked by the fungus ; and readily apparent ravaged timber showing deep cracks across the grain , giving a ‘ cubed ’ appearance .
5 Therefore the connection between these and the work of revelation and restoration in Jesus Christ must be explored , the ‘ point of contact ’ which they offer for the advent of divine grace must be found .
6 In many cases a number of possible matches will be found as parts of other words will match the input pattern .
7 Still other patterns of agricultural life could be found in western Germany , France and Switzerland , where a high degree of subdivision of the land among peasant proprietors was already in 1880 the rule , and was to increase .
8 Hungry hawks have to be fed , and so a constant supply of fresh meat must be found .
9 The backbone of law and practice of Marine insurance can be found in the Marine Insurance Act 1906 .
10 In the more symbolic terms , a damning inditement of medieval culture might be found in the situation and behaviour of the wife .
11 Even without a sexual partner other forms of sexual fulfilment can be found .
12 A detailed explanation with examples of different hierarchies can be found in the manual ‘ Creating and Controlling Modules and Packages with LIFESPAN ’ .
13 A detailed explanation with examples of different hierarchies can be found in the manual ‘ Creating and Controlling Modules and Packages with LIFESPAN ’ .
14 The origins of English Christianity can be found in Glastonbury Abbey , where the first Christian sanctuary in the British Isles was established and where , according to legend , King Arthur was buried .
15 A good example of such kinship-based overlap of social roles can be found in the various volumes of Malinowski 's classic , though incomplete , account of the Trobriand community of Omarakana .
16 Thus it was in the period of the Welsh court poets ( the Gogynfeirdd ) , at a time of severe political crisis under the encroachments of English power in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , that the strictest regulation and formalization ( in most people 's opinion , also , the isolation and specialization ) of the rules of poetic composition can be found .
17 Confirmation of the three dimensionality of localised space can be found in electromotion .
18 A wealth of material on the history and organisational structures of central government can be found in Hennessey ( 1989a ) .
19 Instead a means of legitimating the power of corporate managers can be found by drawing upon and transforming the deviations within current legal thought .
20 A fuller treatment of Constant Drachenfels can be found in the Profiles section at the back of this book .
21 All members of poor families picked up work whenever possible from the earliest ages — a means of survival which was easiest in the big cities where the largest number of casual jobs could be found such as cleaning , running errands and childminding .
22 A more thorough discussion of the position of salaried partners may be found in Chapter 2 .
23 In women the lesion of primary syphilis will be found on the labia majora or minora , on the clitoris , or around the urethral meatus .
24 For today , Roberts ' delicate sketches and water-colours of Ottoman Palestine can be found in the hallways , bedrooms and living rooms of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon .
25 A supreme example of sexist attitude can be found in the early pages of one SMP volume demonstrating the use of flow diagrams ( Book F ; 4–5 ) .
26 By this means , twice as many cases of trichomonal urethritis can be found among these male contacts .
27 In the resulting buildings classical detail and a considerable degree of classical order can be found joined with dramatic combinations of towers , bay windows , and great expanses of glass , derived from the Gothic tradition , and with the complex and ingenious plans which were the architectural expression of the device .
28 Should languages have diverged sufficiently radically in our evolutionary past , and should cerebral organization have adapted constantly to the need of parsing , it is quite possible that counterexamples to the claim of eventual competence might be found .
29 Other instances of racial prejudice can be found in the fact that the church used by the black community is used by the white men as a gambling den in the week although using a white church for such purposes would not be allowed , if even thought of .
30 It may be true , as you say , that most types of continental facility can be found in Britain ( if you look hard enough ) , but conditions on the continent are so superior that visitors to this country must get quite a shock .
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