Example sentences of "of [art] opposition to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As we shall see , this area of the south-west was the source of much of the opposition to the crown of France between 1294 and 1303 , and where traditional loyalties to the Plantagenet regime were most deeply rooted .
2 As a corollary to this , there was perhaps the suspicion that some of the opposition to the Bill came from politicians who wanted an alternative press in order to enhance their own political future .
3 The group got its first taste of the opposition to the plan when it met Ulster Unionist representatives in Belfast .
4 The strength of the opposition to the Asylum Bill and the climbdown on legal aid show that a concerted campaign can succeed in overturning unfair and unworkable proposals .
5 The scale of the opposition to the health secretary became clear as the staff crowded round the lunchtime television news .
6 On the other hand , much of the opposition to the regime remained unpacified by the Manifesto .
7 Will he contrast that with the words of the Leader of the Opposition to the effect that Labour would sign up to a single currency now , irrevocably ?
8 Does he accept that small business organisations are extraordinarily worried by the interview given by the Leader of the Opposition to the Evening Standard ?
9 Much of the opposition to the ERA came from adherents to fundamentalist religious movements which take literally Biblical statements such as St Paul 's to the Ephesians — ‘ Wives , be subject to your husband as to the Lord ’ and ‘ As the church is subject to Christ , so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands ’ .
10 JM : I refer the Leader of the Opposition to the answer I gave on the 345-yard par-4 8th .
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