Example sentences of "of [noun sg] be [vb pp] around [art] " in BNC.

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1 Demand did not stretch to either Lloyds , which struggled to end 4 firmer at 359p after reports of a large line of stock being offered around the market both late on Wednesday and early yesterday , or Abbey National , off 2 at 266p .
2 The ECG also monitors the amount of blood being pumped around the body — crucial in major surgery where blood loss and supply have to be carefully balanced .
3 On the rare occasions when vertical stripes are used in the design , the adjoining sections are either stitched together at the back , or the first and last weft threads from the adjoining segments of pattern are tied around the same warp strand — a technique used by the American Indians in weaving blankets .
4 The difficulty lay in the fact that what characterized their view of primitive society was that it was classless and free of exploitation , while the Marxist theory of society is built around the idea of class .
5 Regions of interest were drawn around the stomach and colon .
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