Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [noun pl] ' association " in BNC.

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1 In 1981 he was chairman of the Computer Retailers ' Association , and he stood as a local government candidate for Rother Valley in the 1987 General Election .
2 They included Lady Mary Bell , of East Rounton ; Mr Tom Haigh , of Stokesley ; Mrs Iris Wilkinson , of Sessay ; Mr Ian Kibble , of the Country Landowners ' Association ; Mr Peter Edmonds , of the National Farmers ' Union , and others who have spearheaded the anti-pylons movement over the last year .
3 Cooper , at the inaugural meeting of the Stratford Ratepayers ' Association argued that high rates were forcing manufacturers to leave the district , necessarily increasing levels of unemployment ( SE 25 March 22 ) .
4 We had brought in respected experts from outside Whitehall like Mark Weinberg , Professor Alan Peacock , and Marshall Field of the Life Offices ' Association to act as assessors .
5 ( Interestingly , in the car industry , although Ford has never belonged to an association in Britain nevertheless in Germany it is an active member of the metalworking employers ' association and follows the terms of its negotiated agreements . )
6 Earlier this week the members of the University Lecturers ' Association at the school , where Mrs Falconer 's post as a senior textiles lecturer is being made compulsorily redundant , voted 19-2 for the one-day strike , with the threat of escalating their action next week .
7 Old people , many of them on low incomes and prone to suffering from hypothermia , will be forced to keep warm by staying in bed longer , warned George Newson , the chairman of the Ipswich and District branch of the Suffolk Pensioners ' Association .
8 The Art Show , the prestigious New York fair for members of the Art Dealers ' Association of America , gets close attention from market watchers .
9 John Bartell , chairman of the Prison Officers ' Association , has warned that any remand prisoner suffering a condition that requires constant nursing care , or carrying the HIV virus , would not be sent to the Wolds because of the possible cost .
10 At a conference of the Prison Officers ' Association , their leader , John Bartell has called for a halt on the Government 's privatisation of the prison service .
11 Similar escapes in the past — there 've been 16 in 2 years — have prompted officials of the Prison Officers ' Association to suggest video camera surveillance of the blind spot .
12 David Evans , general secretary of the Prison Officers ' Association in England and Wales , mounted a fierce attack on ‘ the threat of contracting-out or privatisation . ’
13 The new look at the effectiveness of British liberalisation was announced by Sir Bryan Carsberg , head of Oftel , at the annual meeting of the Telecoms Users ' Association .
14 Mr Stan Cardwell MBE , co-founder of the North-East ramblers ' association , said : ‘ His style was one of cooperation , not confrontation , and through this he made many friends , not least among the farming community , where he was regarded highly for his expertise on rights of way matters .
15 The chairman of the Ivory Manufacturers ' Association in Zimbabwe , however , advised against withdrawal from CITES ; this could affect tourism and aid , he said , while ivory trade markets would remain blocked .
16 Sheila Spiers , of the Football Supporters ' Association , said : ‘ This is a real kick in the teeth . ’
17 Middlesbrough chief executive Keith Lamb will be guest of Teesside branch of the Football Supporters ' Association at the Marquis Hotel , Middlesbrough , on Thursday night .
18 Two conferences of the Football Supporters ' Association have called for a re-think , but it seemed we were banging our heads against a brick wall .
19 Mr Hicks , who speaks for the bereaved and injured as chairman of the Hillsborough Families ' Association , was also unhappy to see the stadium host a semi-final again while the business from 1989 remained uncompleted .
20 In the offices of the Stock Growers ' Association in Rapid City , South Dakota , Jack McCulloh , secretary , and Ed Anderson , local manager of the NorWest Bank , agree that the story is sadly typical .
21 John Camkin , chief executive of the League Managers ' Association , had written to Mr Taylor and Mr Parry suggesting that Mr Wilkinson , the association 's chairman , could help .
22 Earlier yesterday , John Camkin , chief executive of the League Managers ' Association , wrote to Mr Taylor and Mr Parry suggesting that Mr Wilkinson , the association 's chairman , could help resolve outstanding points .
23 The West Sussex region of the Carp Anglers ' Association have two meeting in Bognor Regis on Friday , March 29 and Saturday April 13 .
24 Simon Halliwell , a member of the Eigg Residents ' Association , said ‘ The majority of the islanders want the trust to take possession of the island .
25 Unisys customers , attending a bi-annual meeting of the Unisys Users ' Association in Amsterdam this month , were in favour of the new direction , but they feel it is time the company put its head above the parapet : ‘ Unisys has very good products , but they never tell anyone about them , ’ said one insurance company systems manager .
26 Nils Busch-Petersen , general manager of the Berlin Retailers ' Association , suspects there was an element of sabotage by communist functionaries in the Handelsorganisation , the old state retailing body .
27 We still maintained the remnants of the Notts Miners ' Association .
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