Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb mod] provide [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If they last , Phillips believes that joint ventures may hold the answer and thinks that the new shareholders who will take stakes after the existing owners are forced to divest themselves of 51% of ITN could provide the answer .
2 A litter of lurchers will provide a cross-section of the species .
3 A FOOTPRINT in a pool of blood could provide the key to the brutal murder of a 99-year-old widow .
4 If a person suffers loss or damage as a result of a defect in some product , whether it be hardware or software , one or more of the following areas of law might provide a remedy :
5 Acceptance of Austria would provide a precedent which Sweden might well wish to follow .
6 Two minutes of video can provide an hour of classroom work , or it can be used to introduce a change of activity for five minutes .
7 What seems to make this possible is the fact that information is not costless to receive or exploit , and the expertise necessary to take full advantage of spillovers can provide the wedge that innovating firms need to appropriate at least some benefits from their innovative activities .
8 The State of California shall provide a child welfare building to serve as day care centres for single parents .
9 The Committee is not convinced that the proposal for ‘ Community Supervision Orders ’ [ CSOs ] put forward by the Royal College of Psychiatrists will provide the solution for ensuring patients receive the care they need .
10 ‘ The University of Teesside will provide a focus for the further development of the cultural , social and economic life of the region . ’
11 Furthermore , identification of the sources of happiness will provide a basis for understanding the duration of certain emotions in connection with particular events in life .
12 The following groups of modules may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course in Chemistry ;
13 The following groups of modules may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course in Physics :
14 A new theory holds that the level of unemployment may provide a key .
15 An exclusion clause in a contract of sale can provide a defence only to the seller and only against a claim by the person to whom he sold .
16 Whilst an exclusion clause in the manufacturer 's contract of sale could provide the manufacturer with a good defence to a claim by the wholesaler , it would provide him with no defence to a claim in negligence by the consumer .
17 Attending conferences and meetings of women 's organisations or asking to address groups of boys will provide an opportunity for frank discussion which in the case of boys is very inhibited in the presence of their female counterparts .
18 This initiative is an excellent one , and if agreed by the Council of Ministers will provide the basis for supporting traditional agriculture without intensification in places such as the Somerset Levels .
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