Example sentences of "be intended to be a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both brushes and foam can also take on a partial biofiltering role , but if they are intended to be a mechanical filter , they should be cleaned before they clog .
2 These are intended to be a cheap , quick and informal way for customers to resolve disputes .
3 Lunchtimes at the Victoria Centre are intended to be a communal affair but at the Delphi Centre they are strikingly different .
4 In the homes these activities were intended to be a major source of participation by the people served , with appropriate levels of staff help .
5 The Independent Companies were intended to be a ship-based force slipping ashore to harass German communications and cut the supply line of Swedish ore , but they often fought as infantry because the Allies had no other troops available ; an unavoidable reason for deploying special forces in this role in Norway .
6 This does not mean that that intelligibility can be wholly captured in the formulations or in the mind of the theologian ; it does , however , mean that the divine intelligibility comes across to us , that God gives himself to be known and understood , and that the understanding that is made possible in theology is and is intended to be a genuine understanding and an authentic contact with the intelligibility of God .
7 The film is intended to be a liberal and tolerant depiction of Blacks .
8 This is intended to be a topical , practical inquiry , but one whose findings may add to our understanding of social policy development in general .
9 ‘ Guide to Assessment ’ was published in the summer of 1988 and is intended to be a ready reference on National Certificate assessment .
10 Basically this document stresses that the inspection is intended to be a positive event and should not alter normal relationships that exist between teachers and advisers .
11 The present study is intended to be a follow-up survey of sites which have been investigated by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory .
12 The handbook is intended to be a readable guide to the NHS for all those interested , whether health authority members , staff or members of the public .
13 TableCurve is intended to be a fast , one-pass curve-fitting program , with minimal user input .
14 The tool is intended to be an accessible reference source , and generally contains key points .
15 In either case , the course is intended to be an informative and challenging experience in its own right .
16 WHEN John Boorman took on the job of co-editing this anthology , which is intended to be an annual event , and writing the chronicle of 1991 which comprises almost half its contents , he can not have imagined that he would be revealing so much about the reasons for his own creative decline .
17 Harris says that ‘ The doctoral dissertation is intended to be an original contribution to knowledge . ’
18 The community charge was intended to be a simple and visible system of raising revenue in which the behaviour of profligate ( assumed to be Labour ) councils would be evident to the electorate .
19 His paper was intended to be a tentative , exploratory investigation of British data and little else besides .
20 The songs fell together in a muddy pool of short-sighted production : not a bad début album by any standards but this was intended to be a complete signal post in the history of popular music .
21 This is something of a paradox when one remembers Lord Hailsham 's assurance that the 1981 Act was intended to be a liberalising measure .
22 This was intended to be a temporary measure , but it was so successful that the Chinese authorities gave it formal recognition for the whole of Aglen 's term as inspector-general ( 1911–27 ) .
23 Mundesley in Norfolk was intended to be a new resort town in 1900 but never succeeded .
24 The break was intended to be a long one , possibly a year or two .
25 Sensing this , the Coal Board struck what was intended to be a mortal blow — refusing to carry out the preventative works and offering us a mere £25,000 towards past damage which had been estimated at well over £100,000 .
26 The recreation of a Colorado militia cavalry unit 's massacre of Cheyenne Indians at Sand Creek in November 1864 that climaxed Ralph Nelson 's Soldier Blue ( 1970 ) was intended to be a direct reference to the infamous My Lai massacre of 1968 which led to the court-martial and imprisonment of Lt William Calley .
27 This may be because it was intended to be a quick method of banning undesirable consumer trade practices and in practice it turned out not to be very quick at all .
28 The C65 was intended to be a low-cost computer with better technical specifications than , but still compatible with , the C64 .
29 The sacking of MacArthur was a public sacking , it was intended to be a public humiliation of MacArthur , and that 's what it was .
30 Whilst Lakatos did propose what was intended to be a universal criterion of rationality or scientificity , he did not regard this criterion as a consequence of logic alone , or somehow God-given .
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