Example sentences of "be unlikely to be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its presence in appreciable amounts is indicative of incorrect dosing , which should be rectified , but small amounts are unlikely to be troublesome in processing unless hard water is in use .
2 While they are unlikely to be successful with the woodcut and the copper-plate , they may well achieve their ambition with some other processes .
3 When their prey species are inactive , cats may as well save energy , because they are unlikely to be successful in hunting , and so they rest and sleep for most of the day .
4 The requirements of such a system may lead to a number of outcomes , some of which are unlikely to be beneficial to the child .
5 And such talents , it should be emphasized , are necessary not just for campaigning , but also for governing ; presidents unable to master television are unlikely to be effective in office .
6 Opted-out schools , operating in atomised isolation , in competition with each other and with the rump of the LEA system are unlikely to be capable of collective action in support of whole community needs .
7 However , these disadvantages are unlikely to be great in the light of current developments in technology .
8 Most of these developments might be seen as making English less different , but the kinds of changes that go on in ‘ literary theory ’ are unlikely to be familiar to anyone but a philosopher .
9 The authors indicate therefore that excesses of prostatic cancer in industrial workforces are unlikely to be due to external radiation .
10 These findings are unlikely to be due to some superior " tuning " for line detection in the right hemisphere.although Tei and Owen ( 1980 ) have argued that the right hemisphere is neurophysiologically more sensitive to orientation than is the left hemisphere .
11 These findings are unlikely to be due to delayed antibody responses in the OPV group , since peak antibody concentrations are usually attained within 2–4 weeks after vaccination .
12 Such studies are of patients in a tertiary care setting who are unlikely to be representative of all persons experiencing IBS symptoms .
13 To implement his programme , a president must gain the cooperation or acquiesence of other members of the political élite , but such people are unlikely to be responsive to presidential directives for the relationship between them and the president is not one of simple dependency .
14 The results of the highly unusual job show that lead or chlorohydrocarbons associated with pesticide are unlikely to be responsible for ‘ flaccid trunk syndrome ’ which is afflicting elephants around Lake Kariba .
15 Thus , changes in the physico-chemical properties of mucosal cell membranes as a consequence of the putative variations in their fatty acid composition are unlikely to be responsible for the beneficial effect of diet , since those structural changes would also intervene when the acid load is delivered to the mucosa without prior irritation .
16 New types of integrated circuits are unlikely to be patentable for lack of novelty because many are simply more efficient or miniaturized forms of well-known electronic circuits .
17 Most of the registered unemployed are unlikely to be interested in temporary jobs lasting only a few days .
18 ‘ No , officer , ’ he said slowly , ‘ I am afraid there is only my wife , and you are unlikely to be satisfied with her confirmation . ’
19 The public 's expectations , raised by the citizen 's charter , are unlikely to be satisfied with anything less .
20 Such spiny little fossils are unlikely to be confused with other gastropods .
21 However , since central government in Britain is the dominant influence upon the availability of local finance , there is a certain political duplicity here in legislation which requires local agencies to provide benefits that the centre knows they are unlikely to be able to affords .
22 Given the essentially secret nature of much deviant behaviour , those involved are unlikely to be willing to be interviewed , or at least to give truthful answers , in a survey .
23 He said the life expectancy of a large bus was about 15 years , while minibuses would be unlikely to be viable for longer than eight years .
24 As Speaker O'Neill forcibly pointed out to the newly elected President Carter , tactics that had worked in the relatively sedate politics of Georgia were unlikely to be effective in Washington .
25 In my view our fellow Members , who lived with us cheek by jowl , were fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses and were unlikely to be impressed by pictures of me on their TV screens dressed in a striped apron and pretending to wash up in the kitchen , as had happened during the Tory leadership election .
26 The DCDA said a further 18 beds in Middlesbrough were unlikely to be available before summer 1993 .
27 Unless you were of ‘ a nervous disposition ’ ( what a lovely genteel phrase that is ) you were unlikely to be distressed by these tales of goodies versus the bad monsters , especially as the goodies always won in the end .
28 In very simple models , the RRR can be seen to imply , or be implied by , the financial target , but because of the differing time periods , differing accounting conventions , the nature of existing capital stock , and so on , the relationship is unlikely to be straightforward in practice .
29 Although this increased risk is unlikely to be due to chance , the reasons for it are still unknown .
30 If the relationship is real the mechanisms are far from clear , except that the effect is unlikely to be due to external radiation ; the possibility that it could be due to internal contamination by radioactive substances or some other exposure at work should be pursued .
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