Example sentences of "be sitting [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All right , but you 're sitting there on the nursery provision for under five 's working party , you chaired that committee meeting yesterday .
2 My mam 'd er well not m my mother all the mams , would be sitting there with the kids with their feet in the water to get used to it even when they were a few weeks old .
3 Everybody would be sitting there round the table having their Sunday dinner while down below them the kid would think he had the only important world to himself .
4 It did n't seem natural to be sitting there in the dark .
5 ‘ They would be sitting together on the sofa feeling romantic and giving each other cuddles .
6 I 'm sitting here at the computer even now , with images flashing into my mind of all the spots I want to go to , but have n't had the opportunity yet .
7 The jury is out on this and I am sitting firmly on the fence .
8 I must have been sitting here on the edge of his bed , first singing and stroking , then just stroking , for half an hour or so .
9 They had been sitting together at the top of their organisations throughout the years of cut-backs .
10 Or some of the time I 've been sitting there in the bed feeding the baby , you know
11 They were sitting again on the terrace at the Continental .
12 They were sitting outside on the verandah .
13 Bruce was in the hammock and Mr and Mrs van Meer were sitting side-by-side on the steps .
14 Everyone else was out at work , and the two of them were sitting inside in the semi-darkness drinking raksi .
15 Last night he and I were sitting silently in the kitchen at about midnight , when Heathcliff came home .
16 His eyes swung round the room , but his mother and sister were sitting together on the sofa , playing with the baby , while his father , cup and saucer in hand , stood by the window with his uncles and the fierce-looking old man who was his grandfather .
17 Harold and Felicity were sitting together on the sofa , heads close .
18 They were sitting together on the grass of Hartshorn Park , some distance away from a gravel path where tourists wandered up and down , pointing towards the follies and monuments around them .
19 Guillaume had already bought some drawings of Modigliani 's , but one afternoon at the Rotonde Max Jacob and Modi were sitting together on the terrace with Modi sketching as usual on the Rotonde 's thin paper napkins when Paul Guillaume sat down at their table and asked Modigliani whether he ever painted .
20 A bunch of the new hands were sitting together in the yard commiserating when Jackie Tiptoe limped up .
21 They were sitting together in the garden , their backs to the gate through which Kelly appeared .
22 Her father and mother were sitting tensely on the sofa , Omi at the table , upright , disdain on her fine features , Bodo , huge against the wall , and all of them staring at the stubby , shabby , ash-stained figure of Marx , blinking through his red eyes at the document and reading aloud in an artificially solemn voice , practised in legal jargon and with which he , no doubt , had read out a hundred , a thousand , such documents .
23 Matilda and her brother were sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for their mother to bring in the TV dinners on a tray .
24 I was sitting away from the parapet , and could see nothing below .
25 It was n't until I was sitting again in the Cafe des Amis , clutching Ramon 's hand like a lifebelt , that I could really breathe again .
26 Cathy was sitting comfortably in the kitchen , talking eagerly to Hareton .
27 In fact I discovered later that he was sitting just under the window , and could hear everything that was said in the kitchen .
28 Somewhere behind them one of the younger squires had been pulled from his mount , and was sitting dizzily on the grass nursing a shocked head in his hands , too stunned to give any further trouble .
29 The child was sitting sadly by the window .
30 She was sitting tensely on the gilt chair .
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