Example sentences of "be said [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain various landforms have been said to be exhumed from beneath a covering of Triassic sediments .
2 Children of such a union are said to be born with webbed feet or scaly skin , although as with any fairy/mortal mating the child will be uncommonly gifted .
3 They stress the theory-laden character of our pictures of the world and the extent to which scientists are said to be influenced in their thinking by the social factor of the spirit of the age .
4 For all these states of affairs are said to be united within the complex whole .
5 THE BRITISH are said to be fascinated by the weather and talk of little else when the talk is small .
6 Workers are said to be rationed in the labour market and firms are said to be rationed in the commodity market .
7 Workers are said to be rationed in the labour market and firms are said to be rationed in the commodity market .
8 Since households can not sell their notional supply of labour services , i.e. , they are said to be rationed in the labour market .
9 In this case , the ‘ strategic compromises ’ of monopoly capital are said to be imposed by the balance of power between classes in the power bloc — a balance which might itself be explicable in structural terms .
10 Most trivial arguments are said to be based on matters of principle .
11 The established professions are said to be based upon an underlying logic which is essentially instrumental ; the individual is seen as an instance of a general category .
12 The year-old arrangement for CDC to sell NEC mainframes into the US and Europe has n't worked out , but CDC says it is now working on NEC 's massively parallel systems which are due next year and are said to be based around Hewlett-Packard Co 's PA-RISC , although Ousley says the Japanese firm is ‘ keeping its chip options open . ’
13 Changes in social structure are said to be overdetermined by numerous contradictions .
14 Kung fu artists aim their attacks at the body 's vital spots , which are said to be located along an imaginary line running down the middle of the body .
15 In addition , social disruption and discontent are said to be fostered by temporary visitors , and ghost communities may be created out-of-season .
16 Very short heats are said to be linked with low ovulation rates .
17 The generic and common names of mint are said to be taken from the Greek myth of the nymph Minthe , who was being pursued by Hades , the god of the Underworld .
18 An 1801 description criticised , ‘ Though the corporation are said to be enriched by the produce of the ferry over the Tamar , the privilege of dragging the oysters , the anchorage and clearance of foreign vessels etc , yet the town presents but a poor appearance ’ .
19 Refugee camps here in Amman are said to be crammed to capacity , the authorities are growing more and more concerned about the numbers of Asian refugees , Indians , Bangladeshis , Pakistanis , Philippinos and Thais .
20 In other words those very characteristics that are said to be proscribed by the importance the Japanese attach to group loyalty and deference to authority .
21 Sales maximization and market share objectives are said to be preferred in Japan to short-term profits , although the two strategies are not necessarily mutually exclusive .
22 Both the gardens and the castle are said to be undermined with escape tunnels built during the years of Communism .
23 Questions about actions are defined as those which seek to establish facts ; questions which explicitly or implicitly seek to criticize individual officials are said to be directed at their conduct .
24 It is in this sense that a system of majority decision-taking , rather than any particular decision , can be said to be based on consent .
25 The most familiar is that of total ignorance , in the sense of making no response at all , and which could also be said to be based on total ignorance .
26 If the Fourth Symphony to some extent thrives on Brüggen 's extrovert approach , the Pastoral could be said to be diminished by it .
27 In the strictest sense then , the subject of this chapter are the six Warsaw Pact members of Eastern Europe which , along with Mongolia , could alone be said to be bound to the ‘ socialist commonwealth ’ .
28 Whereas for Horvath and Sankoff ( as noted above ) the linguistic variables are ‘ well defined ’ , this is not so in a dialect-divergent community : in such a community few of the linguistic variables can be said to be defined at all .
29 Histoire , whilst at one level a transposition of the discontinuity of experience , can at the same time be considered as providing an implicit commentary on the nature of fiction and writing : the text can be said to be formed from a meditation on a collection of postcards which the narrator is sifting through .
30 Whether or not in our time parents may be said to be justified by the sad statistics of the permissive society , it is certain that in the nineteenth century , parents had little option because of the sad statistics of mortality among children .
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