Example sentences of "be going [adv] in [pos pn] mind " in BNC.

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1 Subsequent work by David Foulkes and others , showed that the very striking differences between experience during REM bursts and REM quiescence was not as great when subjects were questioned at any length , rather than being allowed to make spontaneous reports of what had been going on in their minds .
2 But one of the most persistent and pernicious myths we 've inherited from Descartes is that mentality is essentially conscious , so that anything we ca n't introspect ca n't really be going on in our mind .
3 And yet , since at least the time of Hegel and Marx , we have been increasingly aware that , as Enzensberger 's paraphrase of Marx has it , " What is going on in our minds has always been , and will always be a product of society " .
4 So , too , does wearing sunglasses as this is a positive gesture to prevent the interviewer from seeing your eyes and guessing what is going on in your mind .
5 So it gives me a very good guide as to what 's going on in their minds when they are going through a process .
6 These are the people who do n't consider what 's going on in your mind , merely what goes on your feet ( the London club Kazoo turns people away if they happen to be wearing Wallabees ) .
7 It 's very frightening , this — the thought that people actually know what 's going on in your mind .
8 ‘ What 's going on in your mind , old Pat ?
9 ‘ Well , are n't you going to give me a clue as to what 's going on in your mind ? ’ she went on .
10 Sometimes I look at my father and I wonder what 's going on in his mind , why it is that there 's so much hatred , so much poison inside him .
11 I just ca n't understand what the bloody hell 's going on in his mind — his crafty crooked little beetle-brain , I mean , " he added to keep his end up .
12 When subjects are interrupted on going to sleep and asked to report any mental activity whatsoever they usually have something to say about what was going on in their minds .
13 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
14 Miguel looked up at her suddenly , caught her staring , and hesitated in what he was saying , as though he understood what was going on in her mind .
15 ‘ And what was going on in your mind ?
16 It was what was going on in my mind that had to be kept secret , on pain of interference , on pain of ridicule , on pain of punishment and , inevitably , on pain of self-understanding .
17 I 'm sorry you had to worry about me because I would n't let you know what was going on in my mind , but I hope now you 'll realise why I kept silent for so long .
18 ‘ I do n't know what was going on in his mind but it was n't going to do him much good .
19 And she was certain that whatever was going on in his mind , only the sheltered , leeward aspect would be revealed to her .
20 His face was set , making it impossible for her to guess what was going on in his mind .
21 She had n't a clue as to what was going on in his mind .
22 She could well imagine what was going on in his mind : fickle , impulsive girl who flitted from one man to another without so much as a backward glance .
23 Now he felt he would burst if he could n't impart all that was going on in his mind .
24 He was cool and terse , and it was clear to Lissa what was going on in his mind .
25 Robyn looked up at him , at his outstretched hand , and wished , not for the first time , that she knew what was going on in his mind .
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