Example sentences of "be not to be found [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dhondt 's argument seems to fit Flanders best : but the Count Baldwin ( died 879 ) who held some counties in that region in the latter part of Charles 's reign is never called " Count of Flanders " in any ninth-century text ; the hallmarks of entrenched territorial power ( systematic fortifications ; minting of coins ) are not to be found during his lifetime , but rather in that of his son ; Baldwin had no monopoly on power in Flanders , for other magnates operated in the same region ; finally , no hereditary transmission of the " principality " can be demonstrated here during Charles 's reign but only , again , after Charles 's death .
2 It is simply that the necessary distinctions are not to be found at the level of categorical separation but rather at the level where they are in fact produced , which is that of both general and specific cultural and social orders .
3 Modern theorists of power have maintained the principle that the bases of political power are not to be found within the economic sphere — at least not in the economic sphere alone .
4 Artists like these , however , whose influence on lettering has been a liberating one , are not to be found in The Spirit of the Letter at Portsmouth City Museum and Art Gallery .
5 Our brief list contains four which are not to be found in the BL catalogue as we have seen .
6 However , in practice often the micros are not to be found near the chalkface : rather they tend to live on trolleys and inhabit locked cupboards in primary schools , and cluster in specialist departments at secondary and FE levels .
7 He complained at length about a Gallic bishop called Aldebert , who held services at springs and groves instead of in properly consecrated churches , spurned the established saints ' cults by distributing his own finger-nails as saintly relics , and invoked the names of archangels which were not to be found in the Bible .
8 They built manyattas , but were not to be found in them ; they were Potemkin manyattas , the real ones flourishing in inaccessible places .
9 He had been interested in tramps since childhood — ' I love a public road' ; he had read Crabbe 's description of a workhouse at school and had been shocked by the confinement of the mentally ill ‘ inasmuch as idiots and lunatics among the humbler classes of society were not to be found in Workhouses — in the parts of the North where I was brought up , — but were mostly at large ’ .
10 As well as accepting the Dutch theologian 's views on salvation , these English Arminians , or Laudians , exhibited a number of other conservative theological and liturgical positions , which were not to be found in continental Arminianism .
11 It was true , conceded the newspaper , that black faces were not to be found in the ranks of the Household Division of the Guards .
12 What is more , the Spirit of God , and the shekinah , or glory of God , were not to be found in the Second Temple ( b .
13 A causal explanation for these events is not to be found by looking at the mental processes of particular social groups or categories involved in them since any traits so identified are as likely to be effects as causes .
14 finally , Conservatism is characterized by political scepticism , or the belief that ‘ political wisdom … is not to be found in the theoretical speculations of isolated thinkers ’ .
15 Where * appears , the generic name has been introduced recently and is not to be found in the older sources , while names marked ** are based on Irish exemplars , no Scottish names being known , and have been adapted for Gaelic as necessary .
16 At the very time this highly specialised library of books on the cotton industry was being dispersed , without even being checked against the holdings of the British Library — the book here listed is not to be found in their catalogue — the New Mills Heritage Centre was trying to put together a collection of books which would be of use to students visiting what had been , among other achievements , the home of the British calico printing industry .
17 If we decide , in the case of the baptism study , that we must carry out fieldwork to collect data which is not to be found in already published sources we must consider how best to utilize what resources we have .
18 Mind is not to be found in molecules any more than the works of Shakespeare were to be found in his genes .
19 ‘ The sign is not in the bread and wine which , of themselves , have no privileged signification ; it is not in the fact of eating bread and drinking it ; it is not to be found in sitting at table together ; it is in the gesture of sharing bread and wine .
20 And the answer to this is not to be found in the histories of individuals .
21 The answer is not to be found in the express provisions of article 7 .
22 True repose is not to be found in that great house , and the flag that proclaims it a ‘ happy home ’ lies to ‘ the lightsome air ’ .
23 If their special property is not to be found in their trigger features , might it be something about their projective zones ?
24 To permit the ex turpi causa defence to be relied upon as an answer to such a claim would , in my view , narrow to a substantial extent the deliberately wide wording of section 6(1) of the Act of 1978 and would , in effect , make a claim for contribution subject to a condition precedent which is not to be found in the Act .
25 There 's nothing wrong with them as such but he says the real satisfaction is n't to be found in them , it 's within you .
26 Now , by a quirk of history , the machinery for carrying out such schemes of training in drama was not to be found in normal educational administration , but in the huge network of social services administered by the National Council of Social Services , a voluntary body financed by Carnegie Trust which since 1919 had co-ordinated the work of various national organisations such as the Village Drama Society , County Rural Community Councils , British Drama League , the Federation of Women 's Institutes , the National Association of Boys ' Clubs , Townswomen 's Guilds , the Workers ' Educational Association , County Youth Committees , the Standing Conference of Drama Associations and Hull University 's Extra-Mural Department , the only university to take interest in Community Drama .
27 In Malone , the Court was asked to recognize a limited common-law right to privacy whereas in Kennedy the Court was asked to take the much bolder step and apply in this sensitive area an implied constitutional right to privacy which was not to be found in the Constitution .
28 WHATEVER breast-beating occurred elsewhere over the outcome of the Waco siege , it was not to be found in Nashville , where the National Rifle Association ( NRA ) has just held its annual meeting .
29 Typical Catholicism was n't to be found in St Peter 's , or Chartres , but in some mean , low-roofed parish church , where hideous plaster saints simpered along the wall , and the bored congregation , pressed perspiration tight into the pews , rested their fat arses on the seats , rattled their beads , fumbled for their smallest change , and scolded their children .
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