Example sentences of "be a lot of [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 There have been a lot of strangers in the place — workmen — "
2 Yep , there 's been a lot of occasions in the last two to three months when I could really have done with access to a computer .
3 She made sure that the door was properly shut , and then said , still speaking in a whisper , " There have been a lot of rumours in the office .
4 The evaluation of CHW programmes in many countries suggest that there are a lot of problems in this area which are compounded by the socio-economic conditions in our countries .
5 When Joe gave no immediate answer Martin had sighed as he said , ‘ There are a lot of women in the world , laddie , thousands and thousands of ‘ em .
6 ‘ There are a lot of musicians in Seattle and every one of them looks up to Jimi Hendrix .
7 ‘ There are a lot of collectors in Los Angeles and it is very hard to satisfy them all .
8 After all , there are a lot of divisions in the police — they do n't all wear uniforms and some do n't even shave .
9 There are a lot of Copts in them . ’
10 ‘ There are a lot of blanks in the Thirties where we do n't know a great deal about it and there was a period just after the war from 1947 through to the middle Fifties — that 's another gap .
11 erm , there are a lot of toiletries in this one
12 Er accrued rate accrued rate was about erm on the , on the , on the interest charge was eight nine , but erm er there are a lot of adjustments in there which we 've looked at .
13 Er the only difference between the situation now and the situation when I was a teacher is that there are a lot of Christians in this room per square metre than there would have been in a school where I taught and that applies to where I work now er because er the number of Christians who are around me in in the workplace are actually even smaller I guess and er that may be something that er you will need to recognise is an unusual feature of your school life and that er as you leave school so you 're going to go into very different environments where people behave very differently .
14 That 's why we want more women in , not because the population is fifty two per cent female , because there are a lot of children in the population .
15 And there 'll be a lot of families in the middle , where they 're not sure whether they fall in one category or the other , but they dislike having to take their cap in hand and go ask for another subsidy .
16 There were to be a lot of evacuations in the coming years , by land , sea and air , each accompanied by promises from departing residents that their absence would only be temporary .
17 There will be a lot of losers in changing from the poll tax , which will make the new tax unpopular too .
18 There did seem to be a lot of spinsters in the twenties .
19 It was very dark , and there were a lot of clouds in the sky .
20 Even then there were a lot of women in the gallery business , though not as many as today .
21 ‘ There were a lot of one-offs in the figures . ’
22 But there were a lot of men in the graveyard .
23 ‘ There were a lot of rooms in my house and people could take their private little trips .
24 A delighted Hankin said : ‘ There were a lot of pluses in the performance .
25 There were a lot of policemen in surrounding streets and in the park adjoining the embassy from which the refugees have clambered into the grounds .
26 With all due respect , my dear Irina , they were a lot of barbarians in those early days . ’
27 So Margot got off the bus and the policeman says , now you have to really vigilant today Margot there 's a lot of bombs in Lisburn Right !
28 and there 's a lot of holes in that floor , if you fell through it
29 And there 's a lot of women in the same situation as you , what with children and one thing and another , so you discuss it and you find you 're not the only one in there with those problems — there are others the same .
30 ‘ To make a valve work properly , there 's a lot of nasties in there — a lot of production processes that are rather unsanitary .
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