Example sentences of "be assume [conj] [art] [noun sg] 's " in BNC.

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1 It may be assumed that the manufacturer 's motive is his own advantage .
2 2.41 He went on to say that it should not be assumed that the wife 's dependency ought to be calculated on the footing that it would have ceased when her husband ceased earning before he reached 65 .
3 Instead , he allows it to be assumed that the council 's plans for the coronation of Edward V were in line with the king 's sagax dispositio as embodied in the codicils to his will .
4 Instead , he allows it to be assumed that the council 's plans for the coronation of Edward V were in line with the king 's sagax dispositio as embodied in the codicils to his will .
5 … For the purpose of these proceedings it is to be assumed that the plaintiff 's injuries as subsisting at the time of her birth were caused by the act or omission of the defendant in the driving of his car .
6 In Green and Porter 's model it is assumed that a firm 's choice of output can not be observed by another firm , and the sum of all outputs determines market price according to a demand function which is subject to unobservable random shocks .
7 It is assumed that a particular 's individuality , its numerical distinctness from any other existent , is ensured by the spatial location it happens to occupy at any given time .
8 Here it is assumed that the child 's right to education is a correlative of the parent 's duty to send the child to school .
9 Maximising the value of the firm , however , does not entail any kind of trade-off between short- and long-term profits , since it is assumed that the firm 's present value will reflect the future proceeds of current investment .
10 If it is assumed that the Earth 's magnetic field was of this form in the past , then it is possible to estimate the position of the magnetic pole for rocks of known ages ( dated by radiometric methods ) by measuring their palaeomagnetism .
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