Example sentences of "be assume to be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All suggestions are given in good faith and for general help and guidance but since detail may vary with different roofs they can not be assumed to be suitable for every application .
2 The uptake of 5-ASA by the intact cells has to be assumed to be equal to the amount of Ac-ASA produced and detected both extracellularly and intracellularly .
3 Your salary is £8,250 exclusive of live-in benefits , which may be assumed to be equivalent to a further 20 per cent .
4 It would be unduly optimistic to assume that management skills have risen to a level such that costs undertaken can be assumed to be equivalent to value .
5 The uptake of 5-ASA must therefore be assumed to be equivalent to the production of Ac-ASA over time .
6 When a sender judges her receiver 's schema to correspond to a significant degree with her own , she need only mention features which are not contained in it ( the time of getting up and what she had for breakfast , for example ) ; other features ( like getting out of bed and getting dressed ) will be assumed to be present by default , unless we are told otherwise .
7 This type of deformation causes no dilatation and so the observed effects may be assumed to be due to one causes only — structural rearrangements which do not cause a change of volume .
8 If a car is unlawfully taken and then returned in a damaged state , it seems absolutely right that the person or persons responsible for taking it should be assumed to be responsible for causing the damage unless they can prove the contrary .
9 As we noted , in the canonical situation of utterance , with the assumption of the unmarked deictic centre , RT can be assumed to be identical to CT ( Lyons ( 1977a : 685 ) calls this assumption deictic simultaneity ) .
10 These ‘ leaders ’ may be assumed to be aware of each other 's power and reliably to report it .
11 The compressibility of the solvent is equal to the molar volume of the solvent in solution , V 1 , and can be assumed to be unchanged over a small range of pressures , thus giving
12 Subroutines are usually written to be " transparent " to the calling routine ; that is , the processor registers such as accumulators and condition codes can be assumed to be unaltered by the subroutine call , unless they are explicitly part of the subroutine linkage .
13 The concept , now referred to as ‘ universal precautions , ’ stresses that all patients should be assumed to be infectious for HIV , HBV , and other blood-borne pathogens .
14 Alternatively , the outcomes are assumed to be indicative of the quality of the educational process .
15 The Namurian , Millstone Grit sediments have not been penetrated in any well in the area but are assumed to be present on the basis of the stratigraphic relationships deduced from seismic data .
16 Stylistic categories are more complex phenomena which are often difficult to define , but which are assumed to be describable in terms of linguistic categories , although they are not a necessary part of the description of a language .
17 , the operating costs for the dominant firms , are based upon reported levels in Challinor ( 1987 ) and the UK farming press , whilst , the blenders ' operating costs , are assumed to be 10 below the selling price P 2 ( see footnote 4 ) .
18 In these models , only union members are assumed to be eligible for employment in the union sector ( for interesting surveys see Oswald , 1985 ; Pencavel , 1985 ; Farber , 1986 ; Ulph and Ulph , 1990 ) .
19 We submit that even scores such as the Glasgow coma scale and the Apgar score , which are assumed to be independent of medical management , may , in fact , be susceptible to a similar effect to that demonstrated with APACHE scoring .
20 The four quarterly effects ( which we are assuming to be invariant during the time span of the data ) can now be estimated from the averages of corresponding quarters over these seven years .
21 These strains are prone to wasting away , which has been assumed to be due to constitutional weakness .
22 Similarly , the payment schedule has been assumed to be independent of efficiency , but incentive schemes can be introduced where there are observable measures of output .
23 Other analysts criticized him for being both too political and unscientific — science being assumed to be apolitical in principle .
24 Machismo is neutered by being assumed to be synonymous with stupidity and tedium .
25 N-terminal lysine residues were assumed to be present in lysylendopeptidase digests because of the high specificity of this enzyme .
26 They lie in why the restructuring took place and in the forms of ownership and capital structure that were assumed to be superior to the old .
27 If α f is assumed to be equivalent to , this value compares well with the average value of determined for 18 polymers covering a wide range of T g .
28 As Eyre ( 1987 ) reports , there is considerable variation of opinion relating to rates of deforestation ; FAO ( 1985 ) , for example , quote a figure of 3.0 per cent per year which is assumed to be due to commercial logging .
29 An alternative to this view is that corporate managers use their expertise to help define and implement the broad purpose of the organization , which is assumed to be that of furthering the public interest .
30 The value of exports is assumed to be determined by factors outside the domestic circular flow and so is assumed to be exogenous in our model .
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