Example sentences of "be able [verb] [noun sg] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 four hundred and thirty quid , he said bloody hell , so what I said to him is , I know you 're gon na need a car , what I 'll do is er , I 'll get to work , I 'll put it , I 'll bring the car , you bring the car in beginning of the month , next month , right , said I wo n't be able to guarantee that I 'll get it done in a week cos I 've got other work booked in , but I 'll have it in here which means I 'll be able to do work to your car , right , and it 's better me being able to do that , then it , it 's sitting out outside your house and nobody touching it for a couple of weeks , now , I might have it for a couple of weeks , see and I 'll be able to do it in my own leisurely time then
2 Despite the depressed economy she still finds little real evidence of publishers pruning their lists and , as a consequence , there are ‘ too many major titles to be able to do justice to them all ’
3 But although I found it impossible not to be moved by the vibes and hype of enthusiastic publicity people and charming sales teams , there is no getting away from the fact that it is going to be a very tough year , with too many major titles to be able to do justice to them all ; and I do n't see any real evidence of anyone pruning their lists .
4 A basic curiosity towards diverse traditions ( a ) to appreciate and delight in diversity and know enough about different religions not to offend the susceptibilities of people , and to be able to give respect to them as persons without marginalizing their religious commitment — to be able therefore to contribute towards a harmonious society ; ( b ) to perceive the crucial area of common-ground between almost all major religious traditions , and that differences and disagreements are only meaningful against that background of what is held in common .
5 It is information which is vital to any councillor who is trying to go through the analysis of cost centre by cost centre of the expenditures of this council and as such it 's vital that this information is available to us not only by combing through all the relevant minutes and in er minutes of committees that have taken place but paraded together in one place for us all and members of the public to be able to get access to it .
6 Either through this , or through their exercise of coercive powers , the great landed nobility were able to minimize damage to their incomes in the first twenty years or so after the first onset of the plague .
7 And when they sited their power stations , they decided erm , again for good economic reasons , to site them er along the channel coast and actually down the , down the Rhine most of the power stations are , are er th they have power stations elsewhere but a lot of the power stations are in these areas here and the reason for that was , by putting it near to their borders , they were able to export electricity to their neighbours .
8 There is also the possibility of your neighbour erecting a wall within his own land , which would then make it impossible for you to carry out any maintenance works , even if you were able to gain access to your neighbour 's land .
9 ‘ it assumes that since Satan is able to use culture to his ends , all of culture is evil .
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