Example sentences of "be almost as if [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is almost as if they had never been wild elephants — but only the day before yesterday , they were .
2 The father , on the other hand , was unsure of the power of Jesus , and it is almost as if he says , ‘ I know you would if you could , but you probably ca n't . ’
3 It is almost as if he feels he need only ask the lady in question to join him and she will have no hesitations about accepting his offer .
4 It is almost as if he stood in his stable and worked it out while chewing his haynet — a bit like solutions sometimes come to us while we 're soaking in the bath .
5 It is almost as if he has acquired something of John 's own tempestuous wrath , John 's own dire , apocalyptic menace , John 's own threatening ultimata .
6 It is almost as if someone has allowed subsidiarity in through the back door of the Town Hall , but not announced its arrival to anyone .
7 I 'm sorry to say but I think that we 're talking about this education day at the beginning of October and I mean god knows we 've known this is coming for , it 's almost as if we 've got to the brink of , you know like lemmings just about to throw ourselves off the cliff and we do n't know why we 're going to do it .
8 It 's almost as if we think subconsciously well we 've got that little bit extra , let's go for it .
9 ‘ It 's almost as if they 've been told to keep their distance . ’
10 It 's almost as if you want to believe it . ’
11 It 's almost as if you have to convince yourself that you did n't do it . ’
12 It 's almost as if he paces in the corner of the office waiting to get his hands on me — and he gets jealous when I 'm writing about someone else . ’
13 It 's almost as if he knows where he 's going , Bernice thought .
14 It 's almost as if he has no point of comparison .
15 Whatever the activity , I still see this as the old style … it 's teacher-led from that point of view in that they rely on me to start them off and I mean it 's almost as if I stand there with a gun and say ‘ Go ! ’
16 It was almost as if they had been hired to give the tourist a suitable first impression of the Eternal City .
17 It was almost as if they considered him to be as much a victim of his government as they were of theirs , as if he could no more be held responsible for Reagan 's actions than they could for Gaddafi 's .
18 The fact was put neatly by Barbara Betts , later Barbara Castle , when reporting upon the Labour Party Conference in October 1931 : ‘ It was almost as if it feared to probe too deeply lest it should be disillusioned as to the integrity of Uncle Arthur [ Henderson ] . ’
19 It was almost as if it had been surgically removed along with his appendix when he was a kid .
20 It was almost as if he felt that they had made a fool of him in 1945 – 46 and was trying to atone for his naiveté .
21 For Ruth it was almost as if he died before her eyes .
22 ‘ It was almost as if he understood that we were trying to help him . ’
23 It was almost as if he had chosen this quiet tunnel in a relatively quiet station so that he could sing to himself undisturbed , carry on singing without having to admit to himself that this was a hopeless task , that he was n't going to get anything .
24 It was almost as if he had found his raison d'être because beforehand he had shown little motivation to find conventional employment .
25 It was almost as if he had said — ‘ This man is a bit groggy ; let's dispose of him ! ’ that is how it appeared tome at the time , too .
26 It was almost as if he had something to hide .
27 It was almost as if he had spent three weeks thinking over what he had been doing and worked it all out .
28 It was almost as if he enjoyed what he was doing .
29 It was almost as if he 'd vanished into thin air .
30 It was almost as if he 'd reached out to clasp her hand in his plea for help , and she knew she 'd wanted to give him a lift .
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