Example sentences of "be likely [prep] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're likely to be tackling full-scale plumbing installation work rather than just mending the occasional dripping tap , it will pay you to collect some specialist hand tools .
2 Practical guidelines are likely to be made available to health managers , but there will be no helpline number .
3 Furthermore , the military 's data banks , which contain information on ocean temperatures and currents , weather patterns and changes in vegetation in many regions of the world , are likely to be made available to environmental researchers .
4 About half the 6,000 white collar workers are likely to be made redundant in response to the shrinking market for coal .
5 Following the completion of the audit [ specify ] , we will carry out a review of the company , giving particular attention to those areas which are likely to be given close scrutiny during any due diligence procedure .
6 Doctors say most people in Britain are likely to be drinking dirty tap water .
7 For that reason , the majority are likely to be studying technical or vocational subjects that equip them with more immediately useful skills .
8 By this time in the season your apples are likely to be showing advanced signs of scab ( Venturia inaequalis ) .
9 Yet another way in which not having a bank account makes people more likely to fall into the non-chooser group , the automatic users of one or other type of credit , is that people without bank accounts are likely to be paid weekly , in cash .
10 Such reasons might include a governing body disregarding LEA advice that dismissal would be likely to be found unfair before an industrial tribunal : or a governing body determining payments to departing members of staff which were in excess of the LEA 's own practice .
11 Michael Liley , the Association Director , has pointed out that important changes were in the offing , and it was important to know what was to happen as the change were likely to be found unpleasant in the trade .
12 These checks are only justified if the person is likely to be handling large sums of money or to be exposed to the possibility of bribery .
13 Finally , as the advanced further education pool is virtually certain to be reduced , in relative terms , in the next few years and consequently the survival of some institutions may be at stake , NAB 's most difficult job is likely to be to steer public sector higher education through the stormy seas ahead with as little long-term damage as possible .
14 The former is likely to be using mechanism-based models with people as ancillaries while the ergonomist will be using models of people with mechanisms as ancillaries .
15 The history of previous attempts to reduce the prison population by introducing alternative punishments suggest that NAPO is likely to be proved right .
16 Even if the analysis is correct , the prediction is likely to be proved wrong .
17 For the hemiplegic patient , it requires extra care , because the patient is likely to be sitting still for much of the day , which in itself may make him more prone to infections , and the risk is magnified if there is any damp or dirty material next to his skin .
18 Aggro is likely to be considered appropriate in situations where opposing fans attempt a territorial invasion of their rivals ' ‘ end ’ ; where one hooligan fan stares at , or adopts a threatening posture towards an opponent , or calls him a demasculatory name , such as ‘ cunt ’ , ‘ wanker ’ , or ‘ poofta ’ .
19 If not dismissive in this way it is likely to be considered unimportant and never thought about again .
20 These individuals die or are sterile , and before long the whole local population is likely to be driven extinct .
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