Example sentences of "be [vb pp] over a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 As noted earlier , the findings reported here flow from an international comparative research programme that has been sustained over a seven-year period , beginning in 1983 .
2 In early 1977 , for the first time in 30 years , campesinos in the central region of the country occupied land from which they had been evicted over a long period of time to make way for export crops .
3 Boy charged with rape A 15-YEAR-OLD boy appeared before magistrates yesterday charged with rape and other serious sexual offences involving young children , alleged to have been committed over a lengthy period .
4 It is currently estimated that , for every £100 million invested in trunk road improvements , about 100 road deaths and 4,500 casualties are saved over a 30-year period .
5 In this type of study , trend values of consumption and income are collected over a long period of time so that most cyclical fluctuations are smoothed out .
6 As the ice slowly melts the plants are watered over a long period .
7 There are plenty of other collections with which to compare this one that do seem to have been written over a long period , and , indeed , the possible Eckard autograph F-Pn D 14218 ( see n.5 ) , with its much more disparate contents , its fragments , and its changes of hand toward the end , is such a source .
8 The share quotation list in the Defence commodity market is the Ministry 's Long-Term Costing , in which all programmes and projects are costed over a ten-year period .
9 It had been tracked over a three-year period by satellite and radio beacon and its movements have demonstrated that four separate currents affect the region of Antarctica near the Ross Ice shelf .
10 We shall remove tax distortions , require in-house services to be clearly costed and accounted for , and ensure that one-off costs are appraised over a realistic period .
11 By taking account of business and other operational plans , such as changes in working practices , projections are made over a five-year period to provide base information against which to evaluate alternative strategies on staffing requirements and costs .
12 One such was that further detailed studies of the possible effects should be undertaken over a 12-month period .
13 This will enable the distribution to be completed over a shorter period .
14 Also , employers are constantly employing new staff so the return on selection has to be calculated over a longer period of time to get a true picture of the effects of selection methods .
15 For a start , it allows spreading to be carried over a longer period during the winter months ( Table 1 ) .
16 The government on Dec. 27 announced that negotiations with the United States aimed at allowing the withdrawal of US forces from Subic Bay naval base to be phased over a three-year period had broken down .
17 To be introduced over a two-year period , the reform had as its main aim the reduction of income tax rates while increasing indirect taxes , and tightening rules on the taxation of capital gains without altering the overall tax burden .
18 The run-down was to be stretched over a longer period and the agreed strength raised from Sandys ’ proposed 45,000 to 55,000 .
19 The educational progress of the children will be monitored over a two-year period .
20 Capital allowances deducted from the taxable income may be higher in the early years ( and therefore lower in the later years ) thin book depreciation , which may be charged over a longer period .
21 An additional incentive is that a garden , in contrast to its associated historic building , does not always need substantial sums for major fabric repairs at the outset and can be revived over a longer period of time .
22 Restrictions on nationwide banking would be eliminated over a three-year period .
23 ‘ Whatever cuts we would finally have to make would have to be spread over a shorter period , ’ he said .
24 But obviously a place not already converted would cost less initially , and the price of rebuilding would be spread over a longer period .
25 It faced substantial protests , however , from water suppliers , notably in the UK ( see pp. 36903 ; 37159 ) and in West Germany , who objected that the massive costs involved would need to be spread over a longer period .
26 The Three were negotiating a trilateral free-trade zone to be implemented over a 10-year period , which it was hoped could be signed on July 1 .
27 The target wage for each industry would be implemented over a five-year period , but should be accompanied by a tailor-made programme on training , investment and productivity targets .
28 Debt due for repayment within two years could be paid within five years , and debt due to be repaid over a longer period could be paid within eight years .
29 Under the agreement , government and parastatal loans were to be repaid over a 20-year period with a three-year grace period , while commercial debts would become payable over 15 years with an eight-year grace period .
30 Under the terms of the agreement the debt would be repaid over a 20-year period , at an interest rate on 5 per cent .
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